Definition Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. However, not all types of stress are harmful or even negative.
Types of Stress There are a few different types of stress that we encounter: Eustress :This is the type of ‘positive’ stress that keeps us vital and excited about life. The excitement of a roller-coaster ride, a scary movie, or a fun challenge are all examples of eustress. Eustress is actually important for us to have in our lives. It keeps us healthy and happy. Acute stress: This is experienced in response to an immediate perceived threat, either physical, emotional or psychological. The threat can be real or imagined; it’s the perception of threat that triggers the response. During an acute stress response, the autonomic nervous system is activated and the body experiences increased levels of cortisol, adrenalin and other hormones that produce an increased heart rate, quickened breathing rate, and higher blood pressure.
Still on Stress Chronic stress: This is a state of ongoing physiological arousal. This occurs when the body experiences so many stressors that the autonomic nervous system rarely has a chance to activate the relaxation response. NB: We were built to handle acute stress, not chronic stress. This type of chronic stress response occurs all too frequently from our modern lifestyle: high-pressured jobs (that includes your role as a presiding elder) loneliness busy traffic These can keep the body in a state of perceived threat and chronic stress. In this case, our fight-or-flight response, which was designed to help us fight a few life-threatening situations spaced out over a long period (like being attacked by a bear every so often), can wear down our bodies and cause us to become ill, either physically or emotionally.
SHOCKING NEWS It’s been estimated that as many as 90% of doctor’s visits are for symptoms that are at least partially stress-related!
THE QUESTION IS ARE YOU STRESSED? SHORT QUIZ: This test is not meant to replace a clinical assessment but to help you judge how you are doing. Answer these twenty questions: Yes or No. Do you frequently neglect your diet? Do you frequently try to do everything yourself? . Do you frequently blow up easily? Do you frequently seek unrealistic goals? Do you frequently fail to see the humor in situations others find funny? Do you frequently get easily irritated? Do you frequently make a "big deal" of everything? Do you frequently complain that you are disorganized? Do you frequently keep everything inside?
QUIZ CONTINUES Do you frequently get angry when you are kept waiting? Do you frequently ignore stress symptoms? Do you frequently put things off until later? Do you frequently think there is only one right way to do something? Do you frequently fail to build relaxation into every day? Do you frequently spend a lot of time complaining about the past? Do you frequently race through the day? Do you frequently feel unable to cope with all you have to do? Do you frequently neglect exercise? Do you frequently have few supportive relationships? Do you frequently get too little rest?
What Chronic Stress can lead to: The first symptoms are relatively mild, like chronic headaches and increased susceptibility to colds. With more exposure to chronic stress, however, more serious health problems may develop. These stress-influenced conditions include, but are not limited to: depression diabetes hair loss heart disease hyperthyroidism obesity obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder sexual dysfunction tooth and gum disease ulcers cancer (possibly)
TEST RESULTS Scores of 1-6: Few Hassles Scores of 7-12: Pretty Good Control of 13-17: Danger Zone - Watch out! Scores of 18+: Stressed Out - You need help.
HOW TO ELIMINATE STRESS Make a conscious effort to de-stress: Leave work related stress at the work place Organise and manage your time better Have fun times Eat healthily Exercise on a regular basis Learn to be easy going/ignore certain stressors Make use of your prayer chamber- Let the Lord shoulder the burden. (research has shown that those who are more religious or spiritual, and use their spirituality to cope with life, experience many benefits to their health and well-being).