An addictive, or habit forming, drug NICOTINE An addictive, or habit forming, drug
Capable of causing a user to develop intense cravings. ADDICTIVE Capable of causing a user to develop intense cravings.
SMOKELESS TOBACCO Ground tobacco that is chewed, placed inside the mouth along the gum line, or inhaled through the nose.
Finely ground tobacco that is inhaled or held in the mouth or cheeks. SNUFF Finely ground tobacco that is inhaled or held in the mouth or cheeks.
A dark thick liquid that forms when tobacco is burned. TAR A dark thick liquid that forms when tobacco is burned.
Passageways that branch from the trachea to each lung. BRONCHI Passageways that branch from the trachea to each lung.
CARBON DIOXIDE A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is created when tobacco is burned
FACTS There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco. Some of these ingredients are found in cleaning products or pest poisons. Cigarettes are the most commonly used forms of tobacco products The harmful chemicals in tobacco may put the smoker at risk for lung diseases, heart diseases, and various types of cancer Nicotine is found in all types of cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and smokeless tobacco. One large cigar can contain as much tobacco and nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.
FACTS People that smoke cigars and pipes are more likely to develop mouth, tongue, or lip cancer. The U.S. has tried to ban sales of flavored cigarettes to discourage young people from trying them. Flavored tobacco is smoked in special pipes. These forms of tobacco contain higher concentrations of harmful chemicals than do regular cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes do not contain tobacco, but still contains nicotine Smokeless tobacco contains addictive nicotine and other chemicals and causes gum disease and oral cancer.
Physically and mentally impaired by the use of alcohol. INTOXICATED Physically and mentally impaired by the use of alcohol.
BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION The amount of alcohol in the blood. Factors that influence hoe alcohol affects the body: Size Gender How much and how fast a person consumes alcohol
ALCOHOL POISONING A dangerous condition that results when a person drinks excessive amounts of alcohol over a short period of time. It can result in death! Binge drinking is a common cause of alcohol poisoning.
CIRRHOSIS The scarring and destruction of the liver tissue. If the liver is not working correctly, it cannot filter out waste or remove other poisons from the blood. Theses poisons may reach the brain and cause more damage
REACTION TIME The ability of the body to respond quickly and appropriately to situations. Do not drive or ride with someone who is intoxicated.
FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME Alcohol-related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems.
FACTS Someone under the influence of alcohol might also engage in other risk behaviors such as tobacco or sexual activity. Alcohol use can lead to make unhealthy choices. Using alcohol can damage your mental/emotional and social health. Alcohol affects the part of your brain which control memory and problem solving. Heavy drinking makes the heart weak and enlarged which leads to high blood pressure. 12 oz. of beer, 5 oz. of wine, and 1.5 oz. of liquor all contain the same amount of alcohol.