Reading Survey Grades 3-6
Do You like reading? Click Y or N and click Enter. Yes No of 30
Which Garfield best shows how you feel about reading? 2. 1. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 4. 3. 0 of 5
How many books (between 0 and 50) did you read over the summer? 0 of 30
What are your favorite genres of fiction books? Mystery Humor Animals Realistic Fiction Scary Stories Historical Fiction Fantasy Science Fiction Sports Action/Adventure
What kinds of non-fiction books do you like to read? 30 Animals Sports Facts/World Records Military Drawing/Arts & Crafts Biography/Auto-biography Cultures and Countries Folk and Fairy Tales Poetry
How many books would you like to read this year? 1 - 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 - 50 of 30
What are your strengths as a reader? Sticking with a book Trying different genres The ability to choose just right books Read almost every day for at least 15 minutes Choose to read outside of the classroom because you like it
As a reader, what would you like to do better? Stick with a book Try different genres Choose just right books Read almost every day for at least 15 minutes Choose to read outside of the classroom because you like it
Which Garfield best shows how you feel about yourself as a reader? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. 1. 4. 3. 0 of 5
Using the paper provided, write your answers to the following questions. What are some of the ways you decide whether or not you’ll read a book? Who are your favorite authors these days? Thinking back to some of the best books you have ever read, what did you like about those books? What do you think someone has to know or do in order to be a strong, satisfied reader of books?