“Start Well” update
Content of session “Young and Yorkshire” – a reminder of our collective priorities How performance against those priorities is monitored System Leadership Outcomes for Children & Young People at the end of Year 2 of the plan Outstanding Challenges Planning for “Young and Yorkshire 2”
“Young and Yorkshire” Children &Young People’s Plan 2014-17 Ensuring that education is our greatest liberator (with more pupils attending a good or outstanding school or setting) Helping all children enjoy a happy family life (with a safe reduction in the numbers of looked after children) Ensuring a healthy start to life (with more children & young people leading healthy lifestyles) How will we know how well we’re doing? Priority 1 More children will attend a good or outstanding school More children will achieve 5 A*-C including English & Maths More looked after children will make the expected progress between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 The gap in outcomes between disadvantaged or vulnerable children and other children will get smaller Priority Two Fewer children and young people will be looked after The time it takes from entering care to moving in with an adoptive family gets smaller More looked after children have lived in the same home for two years or more More young people leaving care are in suitable accommodation Priority Three: Fewer children will experience bullying More children & young people will tell us that they are able to cope with life’s ups and downs More children will have a healthy weight Children & young people in care will be healthier Fewer children and young people will regularly drink alcohol Public health indicators cover these and more. For instance: Child mortality Increased breastfeeding initiation and increased duration Reduction of smoking in pregnancy Improved take up of childhood immunisations Reduction in rates of conception amongst young women aged under 18
How is performance managed and how are we scrutinised? County Council Executive Performance and Intelligence Health and Wellbeing Board Children and Young Peoples Service Strategic Plans Children's Safeguarding & Strategy Groups Children’s Trust Board Performance and Intelligence Performance and Intelligence Strategic Partners including; Police and Health Inspection and Regulation North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee Performance and Intelligence County Council Management Board
System Leadership
System Leadership activity: what’s been going on this year? (1) Commissioning Recommissioned the 0-5 and 5-19 Healthy Child Programme Future in Mind With CCGs as lead commissioners Local CAMHS Transformation Plans were submitted and approved – first projects to focus on eating disorders and mental health support within schools. Partners in Practice One of only 6 authorities nationally to be named as exemplar authorities with the ability to develop innovative practice and seek greater freedoms
System Leadership activity: what’s been going on this year? (2) Director of Public Health’s report 2015 - “The health of our children: Growing up healthy in North Yorkshire” “Deep dives” – in depth research into aspects of each of the three key priorities in “Young and Yorkshire” “Reimagining children’s health” – day summit based on the “Healthy Start to Life” deep dive work Youth Summit - In October 2015, the largest Youth Voice summit to date took place with over 110 young people taking part
System Leadership activity: what’s been going on this year? (3) Research commissioned – into perinatal mental health and new ways of supporting isolated mothers and into SLT provision Research bid submitted - for Research Impact Accelerator Bid with University of York (supports Plan development – see later) Review of inclusion and specialist provision – ISOS commissioned to do this to identify priorities for development in the new SEND strategy (to be completed by September 2016) Launch of the Scarborough Pledge – to address inequalities in educational outcomes for children and young people in the Scarborough area
Priority One: “Ensuring Education is Our Greatest Liberator” Priority Outcome: A greater proportion of pupils attending a good or outstanding school or setting
Headline Performance
Key Programmes and Activity School Improvement Scarborough Pledge Achievement Unlocked Closing the gap Careers Guidance SEND Reforms, Support for children and young people with SEND and Preparation for Adulthood North Yorkshire Autism Strategy Thematic deep dive analysis report
Priority Two: “Helping all Children Enjoy a Happy Family Life” Priority Outcome: The looked after child population is reduced safely
families intervention Headline Performance % of families "turned around" as a result of a developing stronger families intervention
Key Programmes and Activity Partners in Practice No Wrong Door Prevention Service Developing and mainstreaming of the Stronger Families Programme Local Safeguarding Children Board Business Plan Adoption Reform Children and Young People Looked After Strategy Young People’s Homelessness Prevention Pathway Thematic deep dive analysis report
Priority Three: “Ensuring a Healthy Start to Life” Priority Outcome: More children & young people lead healthy lifestyles
Headline Performance
Key Programmes and Activity Healthy Child Programme Future in Mind Strategy for Supporting Disabled Children, Young People and their Families Implementation of SEND reforms Thematic deep dive analysis report Reimagining health for all children in North Yorkshire – Health Event Director of Public Health Annual Report
The new Children and Young People’s Plan
Young and Yorkshire was launched in April 2014 Young and Yorkshire was launched in April 2014. As with all three previous iterations of the CYPP it sets out ambitious targets over a three-year period, it will come to the end of its term in 2017. The CYPP is due for a refresh, and as agreed by Trust Board a new plan will be developed to cover the period probably from 2017 – 2020.
Impact Accelerator Research bid: Growing Up In North Yorkshire a series of focused roundtable events bringing together University of York and North Yorkshire to distil the latest research evidence relevant to NYCTB’s priorities a pilot qualitative study of youth transitions in North Yorkshire that will inform development of a new long-term study of the experiences of young people growing up in North Yorkshire using insights from the roundtables and pilot study, assist NYCTB in developing a robust evidence base to shape service delivery models and support practice improvement in the identified priority areas set out in the new Children and Young People’s Plan for 2017-2020
Challenges Ahead (1) Improve the breastfeeding initiation rate: Start of the plan 74%, currently 73.8% (National 74.3%) Continue to improve the % of children receiving immunisations and vaccinations: MMR by the age of 2 - 2014 94.5%, 2015 94.9% Dtap/IPV/Hib by the age of 2 – 2014 95.8%, 2015 96% Continue to reduce the % of 4-5 and 10-11 year olds who are overweight or obese: 4-5 year olds - Start of the plan 21.3%, currently 21% (National 21.9%) 10-11 year olds – Start of the plan 28.4%, currently30.1% (National 33.2%) Continue to reduce the rate of hospital admissions due to alcohol specific conditions for under 18 year olds per 10,000: Start of the plan 45.8, currently 39.1 (National 40.1)
Challenges Ahead (2) A reduction in the rate of hospital admissions due to substance misuse (15-24 year olds per 100,000): Start of the plan 67.6, currently 83.5 (National 88.8) Reduce the rate of children and young people admitted to hospital for mental health conditions per 100,000: Start of the plan 76.8, currently 96.3 (National 87.4) Reduce the rate of children and young people admitted to hospital as a result of self-harm: Start of the plan 322.9, currently 383.4 (National 398.8) Continue to reduce the rate of under 18 conceptions per 1,000 15-17 year old females: Start of the plan 21.4, currently 16.7 (National 22.8) Reduce the educational attainment gap between those children who receive FSM and those who don't: EYFS Gap– Start of the plan 20%, currently 24% KS2 Gap – Start of the plan 26%, currently 20% KS4 Gap – Start of the plan 31.7%, currently 34.7%
Inspection North Yorkshire SEND inspection June 27-1 July 2016
Throughout the Children’s Trust - you will see Shared Vision and Impact Some great practice Talented people and effective partnerships Confidence to innovate and transform Ambitious culture for children and young people