Commander in Chief Chief diplomat Lack of detail means that powers are not always checked by the language of the constitution.
The patriot Act: Reaction to 9/11. Gave president and executive branch broad powers to gather information and detain some one. Argument against say it is unconstitutional as it is not necessary nor is it a time of war. Argument for is that National Security is more important.
Executive Agreement Not required to have Senate approval During WWII Franklin D. Roosevelt used executive agreements to trade American ships for 99 year leases on British naval bases 1969 Congress discovered several presidents had made agreements giving military aid to South Eastern Asia. To prevent this Congress passed law in 1972 that made secret agreements known to Congress
Recognition of Foreign Governments Refusal to recognize communist countries such as Cuba 2011 United States recognized the Libyan opposition group that controlled a region of that country as the legitimate government. Israel 1949
Legislative, Economic, and Party Leader Are these roles in the Constitution? State of the Union Address +presidential agenda and party platform +legislation goals Introduce bills and budgets When the president’s party is out of power then the president has a harder time getting legislation through 1983 president Reagan worked with Tip O’Neill to pass a plan to fund Social Security working with the opposition
The Veto Pocket Veto President can refuse to sign a bill into law If the president takes no action in ten days the bill becomes law unless congress adjourns then the bill does not become law Congress can override veto with two-thirds of both the Senate and House of Representatives
Economic Planning 1935- Congress passes the Banking Act +set up Federal Reserve System- The “FED” + independent agency headed by presidential appointment 1946 Congress passed the Employment Act +new powers to president +creates Council of Economic Advisors +president responsible for promoting high employment, production and purchasing power Required to submit an annual budget Congress can pass a law making a budget but the president can Veto
Political party Leader May give speeches supporting party members Attend fund-raising events Can elect party chair Political Patronage Appointed to a political office usually as a reward for getting a president elected Blow back from Bill Clinton’s own party after he cut back funding for welfare programs in 1996 If a president acts biased toward a party the public and media can be critical.