Ozone and SO2 NAAQS Implementation Updates FINAL 9/29/15 SCOTT MATHIAS Sesarm/metro-4 fall AIR DIRECTOR’S Meeting October 27-28, 2015
Overview Ozone NAAQS Implementation Update Exceptional Events Updates SO2 NAAQS Implementation and Designations
NAAQS Reviews: Status Update (as of October 1, 2015) Ozone Lead Primary NO2 Primary SO2 Secondary NO2 and SO2 PM CO Last Review Completed (final rule signed) Mar 2008 Oct 2008 Jan 2010 Jun 2010 Mar 2012 Dec 2012 Aug 2011 Recent or Upcoming Major Milestone(s)1 Oct 1, 2015 2 Final rule signed January 5, 2015 Proposed rule published in FR April 6, 2015 Comment period closed June 2-3, 2015 CASAC meeting to discuss 2nd draft ISA and REA Planning document August 13, 2015 CASAC teleconference to discuss letters on 2nd draft ISA and REA Planning Document Fall 2015 1st draft ISA Draft IRP Dec 2015 TBD3 Additional information regarding current and previous NAAQS reviews is available at: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/ 1 IRP – Integrated Review Plan; ISA – Integrated Science Assessment; REA – Risk and Exposure Assessment; PA – Policy Assessment 2 Indicates court-ordered deadline 3 TBD = to be determined
Anticipated NAAQS Implementation Milestones (updated October 1, 2015) DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE 6/4/2018 Anticipated NAAQS Implementation Milestones (updated October 1, 2015) Pollutant Final NAAQS Date Designations Effective Infrastructure SIP Due Attainment Plans Due Attainment Date PM2.5 (2006) Oct 2006 Dec 2009 Oct 2009 Dec 2014 Dec 2015 (Mod) Dec 2019 (Ser) Pb (2008) Oct 2008 Dec 2010-2011 Oct 2011 June 2012-2013 Dec 2015-2016 NO2 (2010) (primary) Jan 2010 Feb 2012 Jan 2013 N/A SO2 (2010) (primary) June 2010 Oct 2013 (+3 rounds) June 2013 April 2015 (2018, 2019, 2022) Oct 2018 (2023, 2024, 2027) Ozone (2008) Mar 2008 July 2012 Mar 2011 Mid 2015-2016 Mid 2015-2032 PM2.5 (2012) Dec 2012 Apr 2015 Dec 2015 Oct 2016 Dec 2021 (Mod) Dec 2025 (Ser) Ozone (2015) Oct 2015 Dec 2017* Dec 2020-21* 2020-2037* Section 110 plans will be needed for multiple NAAQS in coming years. * Tentative. Could be later if 2017 ozone data are considered.
2008 Ozone NAAQS Implementation 46 Areas designated nonattainment effective July 20, 2012. Final 2008 Ozone NAAQS SIP Requirements Rule: “Implementation of the 2008 NAAQS for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements Rule” published March 6, 2015 (80 FR 12264). Contains final rules to interpret CAA ozone implementation requirements for the 2008 NAAQS, and guidance on many aspects of the attainment planning requirements for designated nonattainment areas. Revoked 1997 NAAQS effective April 6, 2015 and established anti- backsliding requirements.
2008 Ozone NAAQS Implementation: KEY DATES Due July 2014 – Emissions statement rule, emissions inventory, and RACT SIPs Due July 2015 – Attainment plans and demonstrations for Moderate areas July 20, 2015 – Marginal area attainment date (attainment determined by 2012-2014 air quality data) Due early 2016* – RACT SIPs, attainment plans and demonstrations for reclassified Moderate areas (* final date TBD by rulemaking) Due July 2016 – Attainment plans and demonstrations for Serious and above areas July 20, 2018 – Moderate area attainment date (attainment determined by 2015-2017 air quality data)
Marginal area attainment date was July 20, 2015. 2008 Ozone NAAQS Implementation: Proposed Actions for Marginal Nonattainment Areas Marginal area attainment date was July 20, 2015. On August 27, 2015, EPA proposed several actions for 36 Marginal areas: Determinations of attainment by the attainment date proposed for 17 areas. One-year extensions of the attainment date proposed for 8 areas. Reclassification to Moderate due to failure to attain by the attainment date proposed for 11 areas. Proposal also includes 2 options for Moderate area attainment plan due date: Beginning of each area’s 2017 ozone season, or January 1, 2017 (for all seasons). Comment period closed September 28, 2015. Clean Air Act requires EPA to take final action by January 20, 2016.
Progress on Ozone NAAQS Attainment (2004 Designations) 2008 Ozone (2012 Designations) Initial Nonattainment Areas 115 46 Areas Redesignated to Attainment 80 (prior to revocation) 2 Current Nonattainment Areas 35 45 Clean Data Determinations 25 1* Proposed Redesignations/ Redesignation Substitutes 1 (as of September 10, 2015) Current Nonattainment Areas is 45 The number is 45 because the Charlotte area is split into two areas - NC has been redesignated to maintenance and SC is still considered nonattainment. * Determinations of attainment by the attainment date proposed for 17 areas on August 27, 2015.
2015 OZONE STANDARDS Promulgated October 1, 2015. Will be effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Memo issued by Acting Assistant Administrator on October 1, 2015 outlines EPA’s plans for addressing issues related to: Guidance available to agencies; Ensuring major source permitting is effective and efficient; Designating areas; Background ozone; Interstate ozone transport; The challenges of reducing ozone in California; Managing monitoring networks; Emissions from wildland fires; and Transportation planning.
After NAAQS Promulgation Anticipated Schedule for 2015 Ozone NAAQS Implementation Rules/Guidance/Tools Action After NAAQS Promulgation Planned Dates Final 2015 Ozone NAAQS revision, monitoring rules, exceptional event demonstration schedule, and PSD permit grandfathering provision Upon promulgation October 2015 Propose Exceptional Events Rule revision and guidance on wildfire-related ozone demonstrations 1 month November 2015 Area designations guidance (including Rural Transport Areas) 4 months February 2015 Final update to PSD permit modeling guideline (Appendix W; proposed July 2015) 8 months June 2016 Final Exceptional Events Rule revision and guidance on wildfire-related ozone demonstrations 10 months August 2016 States submit area designation recommendations 12 months October 2016 Interstate ozone transport contribution assessment NODA Propose nonattainment area rules/guidance (including area classifications, SIP due dates, nonattainment NSR provisions) Final designations, classifications, and nonattainment area SIP rules/guidance 24 months October 2017 Update to transportation conformity guidance 25 months November 2017 States submit Infrastructure and Transport SIPs 36 months October 2018 States submit Attainment plans 5-6 years 2020-2021 Nonattainment Area Attainment Dates (Marginal – Extreme) 5-22 years 2020-2037 Rev10-1-2015
Area Designations Final area designations due Fall 2017 - based on 2014-2016 final DVs (120-day letters by June 2017). Early-certified 2017 data may also be relevant to final designations. We expect state designation recommendations to be based on 2013- 2015 and preliminary 2016 data, including any exceptional event considerations. Exceptional event demonstration submission deadlines: October 1, 2016 for 2014-2015 events May 31, 2017 for 2016 events Nonattainment area classification scheme Percent-above-standard approach? Voluntary reclassifications
Design value thresholds 1-hour ozone (ppm) Area class Design value thresholds 1-hour ozone (ppm) Percent above 1-hour NAAQS of 0.120 ppm Class DV Thresholds (ppm) 0.075 0.070* Marginal from 0.121 NA 0.076 0.071 up to 0.138 15.00% 0.086 0.081 Moderate From 0.160 33.33% 0.100 0.093 Serious 0.180 50.00% 0.113 0.105 Severe-15 0.190 58.33% 0.119 0.111 Severe-17 0.280 133.33% 0.175 0.163 Extreme Equal to or above * For discussion purposes. Final thresholds will be established through notice-and-comment rulemaking.
(213 counties) (28 counties)
FREQUENT Implementation QUESTIONS Timing of revocation for 2008 ozone NAAQS? What are the anti-backsliding requirements for the 2008 NAAQS? For nonattainment areas bumped up to Moderate for 2008 NAAQS, will states owe an attainment demo? For areas bumped up to Moderate for 2008 NAAQS, will states need to provide a separate RACT SIP or can they complete the RACT requirement for both 2008 and 2015 NAAQS at once? Flexibility for VOC RACT or VOC NSR in NOx limited areas? RFP accounting: Can out-of-area reductions be used for compliance? Others?
Ozone from Background Sources Background ozone refers to ozone that forms from natural sources, such as wildfires or stratospheric intrusions, and from man-made pollution from sources outside the U.S. EPA is planning for further discussions with stakeholders on assessing areas for high background ozone and on applicable policies and tools, including: Exceptional event exclusions Area designations and rural transport areas Section 179B international emissions Potential stakeholder discussion questions: From the stakeholder perspective, what additional data elements and/or model improvements are needed to better characterize background O3 levels across the U.S.? From the stakeholder perspective, has EPA properly characterized the various CAA provisions under consideration for areas influenced by background O3? Are there sufficient technical tools and data available to make the demonstrations necessary to legally invoke relevant CAA provisions? How should background O3 be treated in modeling accompanying Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits?
Figure 2-15, EPA Policy Assessment Figure 2-15, EPA Policy Assessment. Distributions of the relative proportion of USB O3 to total O3, from 2007 CAMx source apportionment modeling, binned by model MDA8 O3. >60 ppb = Illustration
OZONE Permitting Recap of final PSD permit grandfathering provision Are state permit authorities using this provision? Plans for issuing ozone SIL and MERPs guidance PSD Offsets (see 40 CFR 51.165(b)(3)) Nonattainment NSR Offsets Preparing for future nonattainment Interpollutant substitution
Current Thinking on Exceptional Events Rule Rule Revisions
Current Thinking: Wildfire/Ozone Exceptional Events Implementation Guidance Full document name: Draft Guidance on the Preparation of Exceptional Events Demonstrations for Wildfire Events that May Influence Ozone Concentrations What does the draft guidance do? Incorporates and applies the proposed rule revisions to wildfire/ozone events. Provides example analyses, conclusion statements, and technical tools that air agencies can use to provide evidence that the wildfire event influenced the monitored ozone concentration. Identifies fire and monitor-based characteristics that would allow for a streamlined demonstration package. Invites comment on the appropriateness of either expanding the wildfire/ozone guidance, or developing a separate guidance document, to specifically address demonstration components for prescribed fires.
2010 SO2 NAAQS Implementation EPA revised primary SO2 standard on June 3, 2010 (75 ppb/1- hour). 29 areas designated nonattainment effective October 4, 2013. Final Guidance for 1-hr SO2 NAAQS Nonattainment Area SIP Submissions issued on April 23, 2014. www.epa.gov/airquality/sulfurdioxide/pdfs/20140423guidance.pdf EPA regional offices are working to assist states with SO2 NA areas in applying this guidance to develop SIPs, redesignate areas, etc. Attainment plans for 29 areas currently designated nonattainment were due April 4, 2015.
SO2 NAAQS Data Requirements Rule Final Data Requirements Rule, issued on August 10, 2015, establishes requirements for air agencies to monitor or model ambient SO2 levels in areas with largest sources of SO2 emissions to help implement the 1- hour SO2 NAAQS. At a minimum, air agencies must characterize air quality around sources that emit 2,000 tons per year (tpy) or more of SO2 or adopt enforceable emission limits that ensure that the source will not emit more than 2,000 tpy of SO2. Based on 2011 emissions data, a threshold of 2,000 tpy accounts for approximately 412 sources and covers 89% of U.S. SO2 emissions. Based on more recent data, it is estimated that about 10% fewer sources now exceed this threshold. Final rule establishes a schedule for air agencies to characterize air quality and to provide that air quality data to the EPA. It does not establish a designations schedule.
SO2 NAAQS Data Requirements Rule: Implementation Timeline January 15, 2016: Air agency identifies sources exceeding threshold and other sources for which air quality will be characterized. July 1, 2016: Air agency specifies (for each identified source) whether it will monitor air quality, model air quality, or establish an enforceable limit. Air agency also accordingly submits a revised monitoring plan, modeling protocols, or descriptions of planned limits on emissions to less than 2,000 tpy. January 2017 New monitoring sites must be operational by January 1, 2017. Modeling analyses must be submitted to EPA by January 13, 2017. Documentation of federally enforceable emission limits and compliance must be submitted to EPA by January 13, 2017. Early 2020: Monitoring sites will have 3 years of quality-assured data which must be submitted to EPA.
2010 SO2 NAAQS Designations Court order issued on March 2, 2015 by U.S. District Court for Northern California establishes the following deadlines consistent with a settlement with original plaintiffs: July 2, 2016 - The EPA must complete a round of designations for areas associated with 68 EGUs in 24 states and any undesignated areas with violating monitors (based on 2013-2015 data). December 31, 2017 - The EPA must complete an additional round of designations for any area a state has not elected to monitor per the provisions of the DRR starting January 1, 2017. December 31, 2020 - The EPA must complete all remaining designations (primarily expected to be areas where states have elected to monitor per the provisions of the DRR). Plaintiff states have appealed the March 2, 2015 court order, and in a separate action, North Carolina has filed its own designations deadline suit.
2010 SO2 Designations Due BY July 2, 2016 Under COURT ORDER Includes areas with a monitored violation of the 2010 SO2 NAAQS (based on 2013-2015 data). Preliminarily (based on final 2012 – 2014 data): Chatham County, Georgia Hawaii County, Hawaii Iron County, Missouri Williams County, North Dakota Brown County, Wisconsin Carbon County, Wyoming
2010 SO2 Designations Due by July 2, 2016 Under court order Includes areas where there are sources (electric power plants) that as of March 2, 2015, have not been “announced for retirement,” and meet one of the following emissions thresholds: 16,000 tons of emitted in 2012 or 2,600 tons of SO2 emitted in 2012 with an average emission rate of at least 0.45 pounds of SO2 per mmBtu. “Announced for Retirement” Any stationary source in the United States with a coal-fired unit that as of January 1, 2010, had a capacity of over five (5) megawatts (MW); and That has announced as of March 2, 2015, that it will cease burning coal at that unit through a company public announcement, public utilities commission filing, consent decree, public legal settlement, final state or federal permit filing, or other similar means of communication. Yields 68 sources in 24 states.
No later than September 18, 2015 Schedule for Completing 2010 SO2 NAAQS Designations Due by July 2, 2016 Milestone Date Court Order March 2, 2015 Impacted states may submit updated recommendations and supporting information for area designations to the EPA No later than September 18, 2015 States requested to review any third party information received by the EPA No later than November 17, 2015 The EPA notifies impacted states concerning any intended modifications to their recommendations (120-day letters) On or about January 22, 2016, but absolutely no later than 120 days prior to final designations (March 2, 2016) End of 30-day public comment period On or about March 4, 2016 Impacted states provide additional information to demonstrate why an EPA modification is inappropriate On or about April 8, 2016 The EPA promulgates final SO2 area designations (no later than 16 months from Court Order) No later than July 2, 2016
Unclassifiable DESIGNATIONS considerations *** [Internal - Deliberative] *** Unclassifiable DESIGNATIONS considerations “Unclassifiable” = An area where the EPA cannot determine based on available information whether the area is or is not meeting the 2010 SO2 NAAQS and whether the area contributes to a violation in a nearby area. See “Updated Guidance for Area Designations for the 2010 Primary Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS”, Attachment 2, March 20, 2015. The SO2 DRR requires states to characterize air quality in any area previously designated unclassifiable, in the same manner as it requires air quality characterization for areas that have not yet been designated. Any additional information developed pursuant to the SO2 DRR for areas initially designated unclassifiable, will be used to inform possible future actions by the EPA or the state (e.g., to determine whether the area is attaining or not attaining the standard, and possibly change the area’s designation). Additional guidelines will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. See SO2 Data Requirements Rule – 80 FR 51052 page 51084 (August 21, 2015).