Overview of Health Visiting and School Nursing in Harrow Andrea Lagos Public health strategist - Harrow 1.3.2017
What is a Health Visitor target group pre natal to 5 years What is a School Nurse target group cover 5-19 Health visitors are registered nurses/midwives who have additional training in community public health nursing. School nurses promote healthy lifestyles and prevent illness with school age children and young people. They provide the link between the school, home and the community – school transitions and into adult services
History of Health Visiting Moved to the NHS in 1974 Moved back to local authorities on 1 October 2015 It is the responsibility of local authorities to ensure delivery of the Healthy Child Programme 0-5 (issued by Dept. of Health in 2009) Delivered by London North West NHS Trust Five mandated checks: 1) Antenatal 2) New Birth Visit 3) 6-8 week check 4) 12 month check 5) 24 month check
Current School Nursing model in Harrow Became the local authorities responsibility on 1 April 2013 Harrow retendered this service in 2015 New contract won by CLCH NHS Trust and started on 1 January 2016. School nurses covers maintained schools and academies in Harrow, currently 8FT equivalents covering: Child health surveillance Health promotion Health protection Health improvement Deliver the National Child Measurement programme (height and weight for 4-5 and 10-11 year olds)
Working with you to promote joint working between health and education for the 2 year old checks Supported HEY with integrated the 2 year check with aims to: Improve data sharing between health and education Early intervention picking up issues and referring to SLT, Paediatrics, Health visiting, children’s centres Better communication with parents How well is this working? What could be improved? What are the common health issues you deal with? What should we consider as part of the 0-19 service?
Benefits of 0-19 combined service Expected benefits: Greater efficiencies through joined up service Better case handover between health visiting and school nursing Better experience for parents / carers / children and young people How will the new proposed 0-19 service benefit your services?
Online Survey for 0-19 service Closes Sunday 19th March 2017 WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU AND YOUR PARENTS As partners who may work with health visiting teams or have maybe used the services yourselves, we would appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey. There are two separate surveys one for professionals and one for service users. Survey for professionals https://consult.harrow.gov.uk/consult.ti/HVProf/consultationHome Survey for service users https://consult.harrow.gov.uk/consult.ti/HVsERUSE/consultationHome If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing pubilchealth@harrow.gov.uk
Tender process Consultation incl. online questionnaire Research Initial draft proposals for service model Consultation on new model Market engagement Tender process begins New contract starts in 2018