Hoover to FDR: 1929-1941
A. Hoover’s Indians Charles Curtis, 1st Native American VP (Kaw, Osage, Pottawatomie, Kansas) 1929 Herbert Hoover appointed Charles Rhoads to Comm. Of Indian Affairs President Hoover reorganized Bureau of Indian Affairs
B. Depressions 1930-1932 Friends and Boy Scouts of America collected clothing and shoes for Indians in NY 1930 Census 1930 Congress released $1,440,000 for medical services on rez 1931: BIA had to call the Red Cross and US Army to supply winter rations
C. FDR vs. Hoover Election Issues FDR’s appeal Hoover’s status quo 1924 Citizenship State and Local Disenfranchisement Tribal Politics FDR’s appeal Hoover’s status quo
D. FDR’s 100 days and Collier FDR elected in 1932 Harold Ickes became Sec. of Interior John Collier as Comm. Of Indian Affairs abolished Board of Indian Commissioners 1933: helped create a series of Indian desks in New Deal agencies