The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre Facility Unit of measurement Capacity (MVA)/ Length (km) Estimate value, RUR mn Date of input Belgorodenergo Construction of OL 110 (double-circuit) overhangs at SB 110/35/10 “Maiskaya” from OL 110 “Dolbino – Dubovoe” km 21 61 2008 Construction of OL 35 “Dmitrievka – Dragunka” 25 63 2010 Construction of SB 35/10 “Razumnoe” MVA 12,6 75 Construction of SB 35/10 “Yuzhnye Korobki” 83 2009 Construction of OL 110 “Frunzenskaya – Rudnik-2” 22 76.3 2007 Construction of SB 35/10 “Gorod-1”(Valuiki city) 20 90 2011 Construction of OL 110 “Frunzenskaya –Zapadnaya” (double-circuit) 20,91 104 Construction of OL 110 “Frunzenskaya – Yuzhnaya Tsep”(double-circuit) 126 Construction of OL 110 “Chemical Plant – Maksimovka” 36,5 100 Construction of SB 110/35/10 “Maiskaya” 50 200 Construction of SB 110/35/10 “Krutoi Log” 32 Construction of SB 110/10 “Sadovaya” 2010-2011 Bryanskenergo Construction of OL 110 kV “Tsentralnaya-Nerussa” 19 97 2012 Strengthening of electric networks of 35 kV at possible break of contacts with vigilance button 36,4 120 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Solovyi” with OL 110 kV “Mashzavod – Solovyi” branch line 965
The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre Facility Unit of measurement Capacity (MVA)/ Length (km) Estimate value, RUR mn Date of input Voronezhenergo Construction of SB 35/10 kV “Povorino" MVA 8 40 2009 Construction of SB 35/10 kV “Talovaya-poselok" 2011 Construction of OL-35 kV up to SB “Daryino" km 12 80 2010 Construction of OL-110 kV up to SB “Sputnik" 5 Construction of OL 110 kV “Liski-330-Tsementnik" 72 150 Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Sputnik" with transformers 2х40 MVA 200 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Tsementnik with transformers 2х40 MVA 210 Construction of SB 35/10 kV “Daryino" with transformers 2х10 MVA 20 211 Construction of OL -110 kV fromSB-500 kV up to SB “Laboratornaya" 30 215 Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Otradnoe" (Aleksandrovskaya) with transformers 2х25 MVA 50 260 Kostromaenergo Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Davydovskaya" with overhangs of 110 kV 233 Kurskenergo Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Privokzalnaya" with construction of the overhang from OL-110 kV “TETS-1 -Lesnaya" No. 1, No. 2 up to SB 110/10 kV “Provokzalnaya" 113 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Rodniki" with construction of overhangs from OL-110 kV “TETS-1-Sadovaya” No.1, No. 2 up to SB 110/10 kV “Rodniki" 120 Construction of 110/10 kV “Severnaya" with construction of overhangs from OL-110 kV “TETS-1-Sadovaya", “Sadovaya-Kotelnaya” up to SB 110/10 kV “Severnaya" 25
The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre Facility Unit of measurement Capacity (MVA)/ Length (km) Estimate value, RUR mn Date of input Lipetskenergo Construction of SB-35 kV Sselki village MVA 20 60 2008-2009 Construction of OL-35kV SB“Dobroe"-SB “Vvedenka" km 25 100 2010-2011 Construction of OL-110kV SB “Tsementnaya"-TETS-2 (double-circuit2х20 km) 40 126 2009-2010 Construction of SB “Terbunskaya" with transformers 2х25,0 MVA 50 151 2007-2008 Construction of SB “Uneversitetskaya" with transformers 2х25.0 MVA 191 2007-2009 Expansion of SB-110kV “Tsementnaya", “Dvurechki”, “Bugor",“Sitovka (with installation of compensating devices)" 80 345 Construction of SB “Manezhnaya" with transformers 2х40.0 MVA 358 Construction of SB “Romanovo" with transformers 2х63 MVA 125 2008-2010 Orelenergo Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Novopolevo" (expansion) 16 70 2008 Construction of SB 110/6 kV “Zavodskaya" (expansion) 2010 Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Pokrovskoe" (expansion) 32 140 Construction of SB 110/10 kV along Novogorskoe Avenue 160 Construction of 2 OL-110 kV “Novolopevo- Pokrovskoe" 35 170 Construction of SB 110/10 kV in the North district of Orel city 200 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Zapadnaya"(expansion) 270 Smolenskenergo Automated systems of power commercial accounting of the regional cities ths rub. 657 2008-2011 Tambovenergo OL-110kV "SB No.4-SB No.5“ in Tambov city Km 15 33 Tverenergo Construction of SB 110/10 kV Yuzhnaya-2 225 2011 Yarenergo Construction of SB 35/10 kV Yaroslavl mobile substation 12,6 91 2007 Construction of SB 110/10 kV Nekouz mobile substation 105 Construction of 2 OL 110 kV from SB “Bragino” up to SB “Norskoe” ( 5 km) 5 130 Construction of SB “Kotorosl”, with transformers 2х40 MVA 195 Construction of SB “Sokol” 2х40 MVA 300