Proposal TDIS-TZM WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal 1703 - TDIS-TZM WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD), Mark Butcher (STI-ECE), Marco Calviani (STI-TCD), Matthias Immanuel Frankl (STI-FDA), Luca Gentini (MME-EDS), Inigo Lamas (STI-TCD), Anton Lechner (STI-FDA), Antonio Perillo-Marcone (STI-TCD), Regis Seidenbinder (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Background - Motivation Object of study Testing aim Experiment details Instrumentation to be installed Post Irradiation Examination Conclusions 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Background – Motivation The upgrade of the LHC aiming at a 10 times higher integrated luminosity brings new challenges also for the whole injection system. 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Background – Motivation The upgrade of the LHC aiming at a 10 times higher integrated luminosity brings new challenges also for the whole injection system. As part of the injection protection equipment, the current TDI must be upgraded to a higher energy absorption capacity. 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Background – Motivation The upgrade of the LHC aiming at a 10 times higher integrated luminosity brings new challenges also for the whole injection system. As part of the injection protection equipment, the current TDI must be upgraded to a higher energy absorption capacity. FEA simulations reveal high thermomechanical loads on certain components of the jaw in case of beam impact  empirical validation of the design needed! 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Background – Present TDI Active length 4.2 m (including tapering) Jaw SS support beam Ion pump Injected beam 2.8 m Graphite R7550 (6 blocks) 0.6 m Al. 5083 0.7 m CuCr1Zr Total length 6.5 m (including transitions) TDI longitudinal cross-section view 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Background – TDIS Injected beam Low Z jaws (2 blocks of graphite R7550 per jaw) 0.9 m Ti-6Al-4V 0.7 m CuCr1Zr Active length 4.7 m (3 x 1565 mm) Ion pump 3 modules (3 tanks) Segmented design with 3 modules-chambers New collimator-like jaw concept TDIS longitudinal cross-section view 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Object of study: complete TDIS jaws with special focus on the back-stiffener Table 1 - Main elements of TDIS jaw Component Name Material Spring support plate Stainless steel 304L EN 1.4306 Compression spring Stainless steel EN 1.4310 Cooling pipes support plate Cooling circuit Copper Alloy CW008A Back-stiffener Molybdenum Alloy TZM Clamp Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V Absorbing block Graphite R7550 TDIS Jaw cross-section view 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Object of study: complete TDIS jaws with special focus on the back-stiffener Component Name Material Back-stiffener Molybdenum Alloy TZM 1565mm Additionally a solution made out of aluminum alloy 2219 T6 will be tested. This option brings some advantages: Less weight (4,3 kg vs 15,3 kg ) Lower cost (around 60% cheaper) 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Object of study Jaws will be installed inside one TDIS module to be mounted onto HRMT interface table. Mechanical table Jaw RF screen Vacuum vessel Support Ion pumps / NEG cartridges Not required for the experiment 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Object of study Mechanical table Jaw RF screen Vacuum vessel Support Ion pumps / NEG cartridges Not required for the experiment 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Object of study Mechanical table Jaw RF screen Vacuum vessel Support Ion pumps / NEG cartridges TZM Aluminum alloy 2219 Not required for the experiment 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Testing aim Ultimate goal: To reproduce a state of temperature/stresses in the back-stiffener comparable to that induced by the worst-case potential impact of the HL-LHC beam: Real failure scenario (worst-case) HL-LHC beam Impact parameter: 38 mm Intensity: 2.3E11 ppb (320 bunches) Impact parameter 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Testing aim Ultimate goal: To reproduce a state of temperature/stresses in the back-stiffener comparable to that induced by the worst-case potential impact of the HL-LHC beam: Real failure scenario (worst-case) HL-LHC beam Impact parameter: 38 mm Intensity: 2.3E11 ppb (320 bunches) Testing scenario HRMT beam Impact parameter: 52 mm Intensity: 1.2E11 ppb (288 bunches) Impact parameter 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Testing scenario Real failure scenario (worst-case) Testing aim Several Fluka simulation loops were conducted to find out the right parameters to achieve in the experiment a comparable energy deposition in the stiffener than in the real case: 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Testing aim According to FEA simulations the defined test settings should lead to reasonably similar peak temperatures/stresses at the back-stiffener than in the real case: Real Case Max. T: 215 °C HRMT settings Max. T: 235 °C Beam Map of thermomechanical loads on this face of the back-stiffener 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Testing aim According to FEA simulations the defined test settings should lead to reasonably similar peak temperatures/stresses at the back-stiffener than in the real case: Real Case Max. stress: 443 MPa ( < Rp0.2 = 515 MPa) HRMT settings Max. stress: 461 MPa (< Rp0.2 = 515 MPa) Beam Map of thermomechanical loads on this face of the back-stiffener 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Experiment details Desired timeslot for the experiment: end of summer 2018 Beam parameters Particle type protons Pulse intensity (range) 3.5x1013 No. bunches 288 Intensity/bunch 1.2x1011 Spot size sigma_x = sigma_y = 1000 um Number of pulses < 10 (5 per jaw) + single bunch nominal intensity shots for alignment Experimental Setup Measurement/observation tools Supply needs Cooling water (Flow: < 0.5 m3/h, Pressure: < 15 bar) Power supply for mechanical tables Primary vacuum Safety and radiation protection aspects General Safety Tank under primary vacuum to prevent any risk of oxidation during high-intensity beam impact on the absorber blocks (graphite). Radiological risk Residual dose rates not expected to be very much different from the estimations done for HRMT28. Contamination risk No contamination expected either during radiation or during handling No risk of contamination outside of the tank, nor inside the tank, since the graphite has been already validated at these beam parameters. 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Instrumentation to be installed Rosette strain gauges / Fiber optic strain gauges* PT100 / Fiber optic temperature sensors* Radiation resistant cameras for online visual inspection of the jaws Beam loss / position monitoring * Measurement based on the Fiber Bragg Grating principle: 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Post Irradiation Examination Two main investigations initially foreseen to be conducted on the back-stiffener and other main components of the jaw : Metrology analysis Ultrasounds inspection 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 Conclusions TDIS key equipment of the HL-LHC injection system Equipment core (jaws) to be validated from the thermomechanical point of view HRMT experiment results expected to confirm the robustness of the jaw vs beam impact Test with low radiological / contamination risk Proposed date for the experiment: end of summer 2018 2017/09/15 David Carbajo Perez (STI-TCD)

WP14 TDIS jaw validation testing HiRadMat 2018 THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION