Overview: EH (& ENGR 181) ENGR 181, Fall 2017
What year are you? Getting to know you! Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #engr181 What year are you? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Where are you from? Getting to know you! Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #engr181 Where are you from? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
What is your intended major? Getting to know you! Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #engr181 What is your intended major? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Two important sources of info Class webpage Piazza! ENGR 181 Two important sources of info Class webpage https://parasol.tamu.edu/~amato/Courses/engr181/2017C/ Piazza! http://www.piazza.com/tamu/fall2017/engr181201 Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Two requirements to pass ENGR 181: 12 ENGR 181 seminar attendance credits & post event surveys (in eCampus) All class periods, and select other EH activities (e.g., EH Career Fair prep event from Tuesday) 1 Research Seminar Report Attend and submit a brief report on a graduate-level research seminar in one of the departments in the College of Engineering Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Engineering Honors EH Director & CSCE Nancy M. Amato Assistant Program Director Pauline Wade Program Specialist Kasey Khoobiar Academic, career development and cohort building activities designed to create a community of scholars and provide a “small school’’ experience within a world-class research university Features Honors faculty advisors Enriched curricular experiences & small classes Career development opportunities Priority registration Living, Learning Community (dorm) – starting Fall 2017 Department Tracks Faculty Dept Coordinators are top researchers & teachers Discipline-specific activities, interaction with faculty and industrial partners in their major AERO Thomas Stragnac BAEN Raghupathy Karthikeyn BAEN Elena Castell-Perez BMEN Javier Jo CHEM Micah Green CVEN David Ford CSCE Jennifer Welch ECEN Aydin Karsilayan ETID Malini Natarajarathinam ISEN Thomas Ferris Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase ITDE Tim Jacobs MEEN Harry Hogan NUEN Pavel Tsvetkov PETE Berna Hascakir OCEN Robert Gordon @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
What do you know about EH? Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #EHTrack How many Engineering honors activities do you need to participate in every semester? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
EH Activities – 2017-2018 Academic Year (selected) Fall 2017 Aug 2017 EH Welcome Social Oct 2017 EH Town Hall Nov 2017 CSCE Track: Trick-Or-Research (faculty talks & research labs visits) EH Course Scheduling Social Dec 2017 CSCE Track: Reading Day lunch with faculty and CSE EH Scholars Spring 2018 Jan 2018 EH Career Fair Prep Event (Mock Interviews, Resume Clinics) Feb 2018 CSCE Track: Internships & Undergraduate Research Seminar EH Town Hall Mar 2018 EH Course Scheduling Social Apr 2018 CSCE Track: Pizza w/ Profs EH Distinguished Lecture May 2018 CSCE Track: Reading Day lunch with faculty and CSE EH Scholars EH Honors & Graduate Recognition Event (with University Honors) Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
How many Honors hours do you need to take every year? What do you know about EH? Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #EHTrack How many Honors hours do you need to take every year? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
What do you know about EH? Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #EHTrack How many undergraduate research hours do you need to have to graduate with honors? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Sample EH Academic Program A total of 18-21 credits of honors coursework (over 4 years) in Engineering or Science courses, including 4-6 credits of undergraduate research Freshman Year: Honors Seminar (1 credit) introducing students to the Engineering Honors program and career planning ENGR 111/112 Soph-Senior Years: Honors courses in major and undergraduate research Freshman Enroll in Honors Course (4) Honors Seminar (1) Sophomore Enroll in Honors Course (3) Junior Year Senior Year Enroll in Honors Course (3-6) FASTTRACK Program 5 Year BS & MS (double count 3 courses) Enroll in Honors Course (3) & Research (4-6) Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase Summer internship or Research Summer internship or Research @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
More EH Trivia! Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #MoreEH How many extra classes are you required to take to graduate with EH honors? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Graduate classes count for EH honors credits – True or False? More EH Trivia! Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #MoreEH Graduate classes count for EH honors credits – True or False? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Study Abroad can count for EH honors credit – True or False? More EH Trivia! Goto: https://www.sli.do/ #MoreEH Study Abroad can count for EH honors credit – True or False? Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Programs that Coordinate well with EH (selected) Zachry Leadership Program 4+1 program: BS Engineering/MS Business ENMED: Engineering & Medicine NAE Global Grand Challenge Scholars (new in 2016!) Fast Track Program Potentially complete BS and MS degrees within five years. Students can take up to 3 graduate courses and “double count’’ them towards both a BS degree and a graduate degree Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
EH vs. University Honors Engineering Honors University Honors Credits (or equivalent) 18-21, depending on major (all can apply to UH as well) 30 credits (or equivalent) Living, Learning Community (Dorm) Optional, available to all classes, majority Freshman (available in Fall 2017) Required for Freshman, a limited number of Sophomores & Juniors serve a peer mentors Activities & Networking Engineering & Discipline specific Broader, University-Wide Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase Many students participate in both programs @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa
Honors Program Webpages Engineering Honors webpages http://engineering.tamu.edu/eh University Honors webpages Program expectations: http://hur.tamu.edu/Honors/About-the-University-Honors-Program/Program-Requirements, Distinction requirements: http://hur.tamu.edu/Honors/University-Honors-Distinction Honors Programs http:/honorsprograms.tamu.edu/ Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase April 29, 2016 | Noon - 4 P.M. Hall of Champions - Texas A&M University The Showcase features approximately 175 projects demonstrating the work developed by over 700 engineering students. These include departmental capstone design projects from all engineering departments and multidisciplinary team projects of all levels from freshmen to seniors. It also includes faculty involvement and representation from each engineering department. Project showcase website is http://engineering.tamu.edu/easa/areas/enrichment/eic/programs/project-showcase @tamuengineering | #TAMUengr engineering.tamu.edu/easa