Inside My Body Pt.2
Quick revision. How many of these do you remember from last week? brain lungs heart liver stomach kidneys large intestine small intestine skin
Heartbeat and pulse. Unit 1.3 Have you ever wondered how every single cell in your body is able to get oxygen, food and water? Well turns out the heart has a big role to play here!
Your heartbeat... As a child, your heart beats around 90 times a minute. A babies heartbeat can be as high as 140 beats per minute (bpm)
That’s because your muscles need more food and oxygen to keep going. As you do some exercise. i.e. running around or playing football. Your heart rate goes up. That’s because your muscles need more food and oxygen to keep going. Your heart beats more as you do more exercise.
You can count your own heartbeat by feeling your pulse You can count your own heartbeat by feeling your pulse. Your pulse is caused by the pressure (force) of the blood as the heart pumps it to the rest of the body.
Locating your pulse... Two good places to find your pulse are on the side of your neck and the inside of your wrists. Try finding your pulse now.. You will know when you find it as you will feel a small beat. This is caused by your heart muscle squeezing.
Quick activity Your teacher will put a stop watch on the interactive white board (link below) First you will measure your pulse while sitting down. Do it three times. Record it. Next you will jump up and down for 30 seconds. Record your pulse again.. Activity Q1: What did you notice? Activity Q2: Why did the number of heartbeats change? Write these questions and the answers to these questions in your Science book. Now finish answering questions 1,2,3,4 on pg 11 of your Science book. (10 mins)
The lungs and breathing Unit 1.4 We use our lungs for breathing. We need to breathe in order to stay alive. How are the lungs linked to the heart? What role do they actually play in keeping us alive?
Where are the lungs? Our lungs are actually located in the chest area. They are so important that they are protected by the rib cage. The lungs are like stretchy sponges that fill up with air!
Watch this short video on the respiratory system
Breathing… We need oxygen to live. Our lungs are in charge of bringing oxygen into the body. This oxygen is then carried by blood to the heart where it is then all over the body. As your body uses the Oxygen, it makes Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a waste gas that the body MUST get rid of. The blood carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it is breathed out.
Finish questions on pg. 12 Now finish answering questions 1,2,3,4 on pg 12 of your Science book. (10 mins)