Space Wolverines The Journey to Near-Space Proposal for Balloon Satellite Production Brandi Casey Lee Wilson Bryan Edelman Vu Nguyen Jordan “Chuck” Schell David Joy Jack Gill
MISSION STATEMENT... The Space Wolverines will design, test, and launch a Balloon Sat into near space in order to measure infrared and visible light intensity at different altitudes, capture high altitude images of the Earth, and discover the details of the upper atmosphere. The basic design of our project is a cubical box with a corner sliced at a 45 degree angle to allow light in for the light intensity experiment. The Space Wolverines plan to determine how the intensity of visible light, infrared light and other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum changes with altitude by using photo sensing diodes placed under specific filters. By observing the data, the project can hopefully lead to conclusions about the atmosphere. For example, the Space Wolverines may be able to discover how much light is absorbed by the atmosphere from the data recovered. During this mission the Balloon Sat will also hopefully take extraordinary pictures from nearly 100,000 feet in the air. The project will have two cameras: an infrared camera and a film camera. The infrared camera will detect heat emissions of the atmosphere and the ground below, specifically the urban areas within a 100 mile radius of the camera. The film camera, which will be adjacent to the infrared camera, will take simultaneous pictures of the same view. The main purpose of the adjacent cameras is to provide the Space Wolverines and other interested audiences with a comparison of the different images. Other objectives of this mission are to record the temperature and relative humidity inside the Balloon Sat while it is in near space and the temperature of the upper atmosphere. The Space Wolverines plan to accomplish these objectives through teamwork and organization.
Drawings ~Design~ Structural reinforcement For our attachment To the balloon..
Parts.. Foam Core (given) 1 camera (given) 1 digital camera 1 HOBO (given) 1 HOBO temperature probe (given) Heater (given) (unknown) Insulation (given) 555 Timer circuit (given) Wires BASIC stamp BASIC Stamp programming module 9 volt batteries Various on off switches 3 Physical spectrum filters Hot glue (given) Aluminum Tape (given) 1 roll of E6 film for infra red filtering 3 photo diodes 4 metal washers 2 metal cylinders 555 Timer Circuit
KEEPING THE PACE.. Detail Schedule Detail Schedule Detail Schedule LETS GET STARTED!! 16-Sep Complete Design MEETING!! 10 AM- 12PM *The structure How everything will be set up in the Cube How it will work together and what hardware we will need. 28-Sep Acquire all hardware Every thing must be ordered A.S.A.P after the Proposal Feedback. Must have everything with in a couple days. (i.e. quick Deliver!) 30-Sep Work on Rev A. Finish and complete! MEETING 3-Oct at 8 PM- 10PM Prototyping Design In Class work Day.. Yes! MEETING!! 10 AM- 12 PM During the in class work day the entire structure will be completed. The foam Core will be cut and laid out. Any adjustments that need to be done will be done that day! Concerns need to be discussed and quick solutions! 10-Oct Hardware… In Class Work Day Yes! All hardware will be placed in their destinations on the foam core. Testing to make sure it will all fit and adjustments that need to be down. Then everything will be secured on the foam core, either with hot glue or appropriate equipment. 15-Oct Complete Rev B. MEETTING 10AM - 2PM To make sure all hardware is working and in the cube! Then close the cube with hot glue and aluminum tape. Again make sure that everything is working. Can't stress that enough. 24-Oct Testing Final Design In Class Work Day! Yes! During class, all tests will be performed including cold test and adjustments will be recorded. Concerns and comments on what we need to improve. Adjustments need to be completed and final project should be done by the end of the meeting! MEETING Right After Class 1-Nov Complete Rev C. MEETING 7 PM- 10 PM 7-Nov Final Product In Class work Day.. Yes! Any LITTLE adjustments that need to be done will get done in class! NOTHING big should be changed at all! 11-Nov LAUNCH DAY! 14-Nov Design Reviews Go over data that was collected and see what went wrong. 17-Nov MEETING 10AM-12AM Fix what went wrong with mission and start working on Final project. 28-Nov MEETING 5PM- 7PM Finish Final Project GO TO DINNER TO CELEBRATE!! KEEPING THE PACE.. Detail Schedule Detail Schedule
Chris gave us $275 to work with, we thought that was plenty to work with…
Best meal I ever had! Thanks Chris!
$$$ THE BUDGET $$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $ Materials Description Quantity Cost per one ($) Total cost($) Digital Camera Convert to IR camera 1 $80.00 $80.00 Roll of E6 film IR Filter 1 $8.00 $8.00 Basic Stamp programming, data storage 1 $54.00 $ 54.00 Basic Stamp Prg. Module Programming interface 1 $65.95 $65.95 on/off switches 2 $2.00 $4.00 Photo Diodes photo intensity measurement 4 $4.95 $19.80 Metal washers structural enhancements 4 $1.00 $4.00 Metal tube2 structural enhancements 2 $1.00 $2.00 Services Film Processing process the e6 film 1 $10.00 $10.00 Total $257.75 All prices exclude tax and relevant shipping costs $ $ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $