2010 Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan: 2016 Progress Report on Implementation
Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology-based tools and systems used by local agencies and jurisdictions to manage the transportation network Facilitate a connected transportation system Increase safety and efficiency Reduce the cost of moving people, goods, and services
The Regional ITS Plan Identified existing and future ITS communications networks and devices needed to: Enhance transportation and economic competitiveness throughout the region Maximize the safety and efficiency of transportation in the region
Regional Loop Fiber optic ring along US 98 to SR 231 in Bay County, north to I-10, west on I-10 to I-110 in Escambia County, and south on I-110 to US 98
Recommended ITS Improvements Fiber optic cable installation Connecting signalized intersections Closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) Remote Weather Information Stations (RWIS) Transportation Management Centers (TMC)
Florida-Alabama TPO Escambia-Santa Rosa ITS Subcommittee Works together to ensure the ITS system is comprehensive, and includes a funding plan for the implementation and operation of a regional Advance Traffic Management System (ATMS) and a regional Traffic Management Center (TMC)
Florida-Alabama TPO 2013 continuing contract for implementation of an Active Arterial Management System on SR 291 (Davis Highway) 2013 design-build contract for implementation of the ATMS Phase I on Brent Lane/Bayou Blvd, North Palafox and East Fairfield Drive
Florida-Alabama TPO 2015 - Escambia County entered into a continuing professional services contract with DRMP, Inc. to provide general traffic engineering operation and management services. 2015 - FDOT and the City of Pensacola initiated development of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan project.
Okaloosa-Walton TPO – Okaloosa County Signal retiming project on SR 20 in the City of Niceville area resulting in a 10% reduction in travel times. 8 CCTV cameras installed at various locations throughout the County
Okaloosa-Walton TPO – Walton County Walton County has entered into a Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to fund a traffic engineer Facilitate ITS deployment in Walton County Maximize capabilities of existing signal system Procure additional resources to support ITS implementation 25 Signalized Intersections
Bay County TPO Total System: 178 intersections running in the ITS system 86 pan/tilt/zoom cameras 5 Dynamic Messaging Systems 1 remote weather station
Jill Lavender, Special Projects Coordinator Questions? Jill Lavender, Special Projects Coordinator Jill.Lavender@wfrpc.org (850) 332-7976 ext. 212