The role of Estonian Red Cross in monitoring process of return of the third countries nationals European NPM Project, 8th NPM Thematic workshop, Geneva 20-21 March 2012
In December 2010 Ministry of the Interior asked ERC as a neurtal, credible, humanitarian organization with world-wide network to act as a neutral monitor in process of the return third countries nationals. Estonian Red Cross executive board approved the MoI proposal to do this work according to the main principles of the Red Cross Movement
In the beginning of 2011 ERC had study visits to Germany, Luxemburg and Sweden to get information from the most experienced organizations in this field. In Estonia in co-operation with police and border guard board we visited detention centre and three border checkpoints.
Aim of the visits was to be aware of the humanitarian conditions for returnees ERC starts monitoring after the decision of administrative court ERC role is to act as a neutral observer according to the humanitarian principles. In ERC monitoring process has two phases: -Monitoring in detention centre -Monitoring of the return process
Detention centre: -overall conditions -nutrition -separation by gender, family non-separation -availability of medical care and treatment -opportunity to exercise the religion -personal hygine items of returnees -clothing
-possibility to use the gym -possibility for outside activities in the territory of detention centre -library, table games, tv and radio set ERC provided the First Aid courses both in english and russian language for the detainees.
Monitoring of the return process: -monitoring starts from the detention centre and ends on the border crossing -clothing -personal belongings -allowance -humanitarian treatment
Every monitoring ends with a report to the MoI Every monitoring ends with a report to the MoI. Twice a year ERC executive board and represenetives of the MoI and the police and border guard board analyze the monitoring process.
2011. 31 returnees 1st quarter 3 persons 2nd quarter 9 persons 3rd quarter 8 persons 4th quarter 11 persons
2012 1st quarter 12 persons