Minibeasts Nursery Summer 2 Week 1 Expressive Arts and Design Our role play will be a garden, the children will hunt for minibeasts, investigating them and talking with their friends about them. On the creative table the children will be making symmetrical butterflies. Communication & Language Literacy The children will be listening to the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We will be using the internet and non fiction books to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. Phonics In phonics some children will be playing lots of listening games and the older children will be learning all about the letter ‘l’ and ‘j’ what sounds they make and objects that begin with that sound. Speaking & Listening We would like the children to bring in one photograph of their family so that they can show it to the group and talk about their family. Minibeasts Nursery Summer 2 Week 1 Physical Development We will continue to do our finger and upper body exercises in dough gym. During our PE time we will using body movements to retell the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ . On our fine motor table we will be using the tweezers to pick up pom poms to make the caterpillars body. The children will have to look at the number to find out how many pom poms they will need. Mathematics The children will learn what the word symmetrical means and how to make a symmetrical butterfly. They will also be challenged to put the numbers on the caterpillars body in the correct order . Personal, Social, Emotional Development Our SEAL topic is – Changes. The theme is about looking at the ways the children have changed since they started at nursery. This week they will be thinking back to their first day at nursery and remembering how they felt. Mrs C Mayne