Multicultural Policies: France Week 7
France: policy evaluation
Constitutional, legislative affirmation
Constitutional, legislative affirmation Article 1 of the French constitution (1958) : “France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic. It shall ensure the equality of all citizens before the law, without distinction of origin, race or religion. It shall respect all beliefs.”
Constitutional, legislative affirmation No recognition of minorities, ethnic, religious, linguistic or other All citizens have equal rights Maghreb: delegation of responsibility in some areas, respect for France’s laws and values Integration policies not targeted at immigrants and minorities
Multiculturalism in school curriculum
Multiculturalism in school curriculum Recognition and respect other cultures « le vivre ensemble » - learning to live together Fight discrimination
Ethnic representation in media
Ethnic representation in media Pluralism, objectivity, respect for human dignity Promotion of French language and culture « responsibility to present an image reflecting reality of today’s Franceé No specific mention of ethnic and racial minorities Absence of minorities on mainstream television
Exemption from dress code
Exemption from dress code No circumstances justify differential treatment on grounds of race or origin Wearing of religious symbols highly restricted Special menus at school canteens for students who don’t eat pork
Allows dual citizenship
Funding of ethnic group organisations
Funding of ethnic group organisations Association loi 1901 extended to immigrants and foreign-born in 1981 Must respect constitution Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunities
Funding of bilingual education
Funding of bilingual education No differentiation based on ethnic or racial origin Some bilingual classes: bilateral agreements regional languages
Affirmative action for immigrant groups
Affirmative action for immigrant groups No state-sponsored programmes aimed at ethnic groups Designation of places at Sciences Po for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, base on merit