Chapter 18 Supplementation


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 18 Supplementation

Purpose To provide the fitness professional with an overview of general supplement use

Objectives After this presentation, the participant will be able to: Define what dietary supplements are and describe the various classes and uses of them Understand basic supplemental recommendations for optimizing health Respond to questions about dietary supplements based on objective, scientific facts. Define the term ergogenic and common substances used to enhance performance

Rationale for Supplement Use Various studies have reported that people taking a multivitamin supplement experience a reduced risk of chronic disease development Others take dietary supplements in hopes of enhancing physical or mental performance, altering body composition, stimulating metabolism, controlling appetite, or slowing the aging process

Dietary Supplements Experts agree that everyone should take a multivitamin and mineral formula daily to support optimal health. Specific compounds, when ingested and manufactured properly, can allow the body to operate at full capacity without disturbing its natural physiology as drugs do. Individual results during usage may be based on the physiologic and psychological state of the recipient.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements General Health Dietary deficits and limitations Insufficient food intake Increased needs that are not met by diet alone Lack of interest in essential food grouping Low body fat maintenance Inability to define the perfect diet Unknown variables of actual nutrient content of food

Dietary Reference Intakes Dietary reference intake (DRI) values for nutrients provide good guidelines for what constitutes an adequate intake of a nutrient. For many nutrients, values also have been set for the amount considered to be excessive and potentially harmful. The DRIs are designed to estimate the nutrient needs of healthy people in various age groups and of both sexes. Even essential nutrients are potentially toxic at some level of intake. For some nutrients, the level of intake that causes serious adverse effects is not presently known.

Units of Measure Used Macronutrients -generally expressed in gram quantities Micronutrients, fatty acids, amino acids - are generally present and expressed in milligram (mg) or microgram (mcg or mg) quantities. Dietary supplements must provide a “% Daily Value” for each nutrient listed The amounts of vitamins A, D, and E are expressed on supplement labels as international units (IUs)

Precautions on Supplement Use The effects of dietary supplement use may vary among individuals based on dietary intake of nutrients and physiologic and psychologic individuality The general population should not use dietary supplements for medicinal purposes, unless recommended by a qualified health professional

Precautions on Supplement Use Vitamin A (present only as retinol) should be less than 100% of the DV. beta-Carotene is contraindicated in smokers. Calcium should be at low levels or absent in a multi-vitamin. People are more likely to consume excessive amounts of the following nutrients from supplements and fortified foods combined: Vitamin A & D, Iron, and Zinc

Non nutrient Aids Creatine is synthesized naturally in the human body from the amino acids methionine, glycine, and arginine. Supplementation with creatine can increase muscle creatine levels and may enhance certain types of brief high-intensity efforts Caffeine may be the most widely used drug in the world, oftentimes consumed in coffee, tea, cocoa, and other beverages with added caffeine Most carefully controlled studies have demonstrated ergogenic effects from caffeine, especially endurance events

Banned Stimulants Prohormones- A variety of dietary supplements with hormone precursors have been used to promote building of strength and muscle mass. Androgenic Anabolic Steroids-Drugs designed to mimic the effects of testosterone

Hypertrophy, Recovery, and Performance Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) Recovery Energy substrate Inhibits catabolism Liquid Meals Timing and percentages Creatine Hypertrophy and performance Energy substrates Volumizer Lactate buffer Caffeine Performance Glycogen sparing

Hypertrophy, Recovery, and Performance Inhibits exercise-induced damage Net protein synthesis Supplies high concentrations of nutrients that have the potential to maximize the physiologic environment Increases work capacity Enhances nutrient availability Replenishes energy substrates

Summary Vitamins and minerals are essential components of food and are required in very small amounts by the body. Almost anything not classified as a drug can be sold as a dietary supplement. Proper precautions and guidelines should be followed for supplement intake.