On your sheets, match the correct definition to the key term. Stakeholder Salary On your sheets, match the correct definition to the key term. Recession Supply Chain Product Lifecycle Marketing Mix Shareholder Fixed Costs Limited Liability Revenue
Salary Recession Product Lifecycle Stakeholder Limited Liability Paid monthly but not based on the hours worked. Salary A downturn in sales and output throughout the economy, often leading to rising unemployment. Recession Shows how the sales from a product change over a period of time, from its launch to withdrawal. Product Lifecycle Somebody that has an interest in the company. Stakeholder Where responsibility for paying the debts of the business is limited to the business, and cannot be passed to the owners. Limited Liability
Shareholder Supply Chain Marketing Mix Fixed Costs Revenue A person who has invested in ownership of a limited company. Shareholder The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity. Supply Chain Selling the right product at the right price, in the right place at the right time. Marketing Mix Costs that are not directly linked to output. Fixed Costs Money generated by the business. Revenue
Paid monthly but not based on the hours worked. A person who has invested in ownership of a limited company. A downturn in sales and output throughout the economy, often leading to rising unemployment. The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity. Shows how the sales from a product change over a period of time, from its launch to withdrawal. Selling the right product at the right price, in the right place at the right time. Somebody that has an interest in the company. Costs that are not directly linked to output. Where responsibility for paying the debts of the business is limited to the business, and cannot be passed to the owners. Money generated by the business.
Exam Tips Read through the question carefully Take your time: 60 marks, 60 minutes. Don’t leave any question blank Write in black ink Check the instructions Underline the key words
Your paper 1 Hour, 60 marks It is split into 4 sections. A B C D As you get further into the paper, the questions are more challenging.
Section A You must read the question stems! Will be linked to OWNERSHIP Focus on KNOWLEDGE and CONTEXT Explain One Identify Tick Complete
Section B You must read the question stems! Will be linked to OBJECTIVES Focus on EXPLANATION AND ANALYSIS Explain Analyse State and Explain Analyse
Knowledge Questions These are usually found in Section A! Usually worth 1 or 2 marks You need to carefully read the question – these should be easy marks. Your answer does not need to be in context – it is just recall of theory!
Practice Knowledge Questions
Explain Questions These are the most common questions! Will usually be worth 3 marks You need to link any statements being made…. ‘because’, ‘as a result…’, ‘this means that…’ Your answer must be in context – refer to the case study business
Identify a benefit and develop an explanation – using an example in your writing.
Practice Explain Questions