Outcomes Why are we here? Outcomes: Use the EQuIP Rubric (Educators Evaluating Quality Instructional Products) to deepen teacher understanding of College- and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS) and the lesson planning process. Create a pool of exemplar math lessons for each grade that reflect the spirit of the CCRS in rigor, focus, application, instructional support, and assessment. Build participant capacity to pass along this learning and planning to other teachers. Mathematics
EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Mathematics Summary of the EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Mathematics I. Alignment to the Depth of the CCRS II. Key Shifts in the CCRS III. Instructional Supports IV. Assessment The letter and spirit of CCRS: Depth of Standard Mathematical Practice Balance of procedure and understanding Key Shifts in the CCRS: Focus Coherence Rigor as application, understanding, and procedural skill and fluency Student learning needs: Guidance Precise terminology Student engagement Productive struggle Mathematical thinking Differentiation Intervention Support learning styles Student mastery of CCRS: Direct, observable evidence Formative feedback Summative
Tri-State rubric The goal of the process is not consensus, but Purposes: Provide clear, descriptive criteria for CCRS lessons/ units Provide meaningful, constructive feedback to developers of lessons/units Identify lessons/units that can serve as models Guide collegial review and jurying process The goal of the process is not consensus, but rather common understanding of the criteria and their meaning. Mathematics
Dimension I. Alignment to the Rigor of the CCRS The lesson/unit aligns with the letter and spirit of the CCRS: Targets a set of grade-level CCRS mathematics standard(s) to the full depth of the standards for teaching and learning. Standards for Mathematical Practice that are central to the lesson are identified, handled in a grade-appropriate way, and well connected to the content being addressed. Presents a balance of mathematical procedures and deeper conceptual understanding inherent in the CCRS. Mathematics
Unpacking dimension I Hunt Institute Video As you watch the video: Note at least two key points to share with the group. Think about how the practices will influence lesson design and development. Mathematics
REFLECTION How do the look-fors in Dimension I relate to the Standards for Mathematical Practice? Mathematics
What do you think is meant by a balance of mathematical CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING What do you think is meant by a balance of mathematical procedures and deeper conceptual understanding inherent in the CCRS? Shifts in Math Practice Mathematics
FEEDBACK AND FIXES – DIMENSION I Feedback: Record the grade and title of the lesson/unit on the rubric recording form. Scan to see what the lesson/unit contains and how it is organized. Read key materials related to instruction, assessment, and teacher guidance. Study and measure the text(s) that serves as the centerpiece for lesson/unit, analyzing text complexity, quality, scope, and relationship to instruction. Identify the grade-level CCRS that the lesson/unit targets. Individually check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found. Fix: Identify and record input on specific improvements that might be made to meet criteria or strengthen alignment. Mathematics
DIMENSION II Mathematics
Dimension Ii. Key areas of focus in the ccRs The lesson/unit reflects evidence of key shifts that are reflected in the CCRS: Focus: Centers on the concepts, foundational knowledge, and level of rigor that are prioritized in the standards. Coherence: Makes connections and provides opportunities for students to transfer knowledge and skills within and across domains and learning progressions. Rigor: Requires students to engage with and demonstrate challenging mathematics in the following ways: Conceptual Understanding: Requires students to demonstrate conceptual understanding through complex problem solving, in addition to writing and speaking about their understanding. Application: Provides opportunities for students to independently apply mathematical concepts in real‐world situations and problem solve with persistence, choosing and applying an appropriate model or strategy to new situations. Procedural Skill and Fluency: Expects, supports, and provides guidelines for procedural skill and fluency with core calculations and mathematical procedures (when called for in the standards for the grade) to be performed quickly and accurately . Mathematics
RIGOR Rigor is more than what you teach, it’s how you teach, and how students show you they understand content. Mathematics
Depth of knowledge Mathematics DOK Video
SORTING TASK Mathematics
of understanding, skill and fluency? Fluency Across Grades What is the importance of understanding, skill and fluency? Mathematics
CCRS Lesson Development Evaluating CCRS Lessons Alabama EQuIP Rubric Planning CCRS Lessons Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP)
TTLP – Part 1 Mathematics
EXEMPLAR LESSON Work the tasks in your sample lesson. Think about DOK, application, problem solving, and fluency. Make sure you address each look-for in Dimension I. Mathematics
P-Q-P How was your learning experience today? Praise: What is good about the training? Question: What do you not understand? Polish: What specific suggestions for improvement can you make? Mathematics
FEEDBACK AND FIXES – DIMENSION II Feedback: Closely examine the lesson/unit through the “lens” of each criterion. Fix: Record comments on criteria met and improvements needed. Mathematics
Dimension IiI. INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORTS The lesson/unit is responsive to varied student learning needs: Includes clear and sufficient guidance to support teaching and learning of the targeted standards, including, when appropriate, the use of technology and media. Uses and encourages precise and accurate mathematics, academic language, terminology, and concrete or abstract representations (e.g. pictures, symbols, expressions, equations, graphics, models) in the discipline. Engages students in productive struggle through relevant, thought-provoking questions, problems, and tasks that stimulate interest and elicit mathematical thinking. Addresses instructional expectations and is easy to understand and use. Provides appropriate level and type of scaffolding, differentiation, intervention, and support for a broad range of learners. Supports diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, interests, and styles. Provides extra supports for students working below grade level. Provides extensions for students with high interest or working about grade level. Mathematics
Dimension IiI. INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORTS A unit or longer lesson should: Recommend and facilitate a mix of instructional approaches for a variety of learners, such as using multiple representations (including models), using a range of questions, checking for understanding, flexible grouping, pair-share, etc. Gradually remove supports, requiring students to demonstrate their mathematical understanding independently. Demonstrate an effective sequence and a progression of learning where the concepts or skills advance and deepen over time. Expects, supports, and provides guidelines for procedural skill and fluency with core calculations and mathematical procedures (when called for in the standards for the grade) to be performed quickly and accurately. Mathematics
TTLP – Part 2 Mathematics
FEEDBACK AND FIXES – DIMENSION III Feedback: Individually check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found. Fixes: Identify and record input on specific improvements that might be made to meet criteria or strengthen alignment. Mathematics
Dimension Iv. assessment The lesson/unit regularly assesses whether students are mastering standards based content and skills: Is designed to elicit direct, observable evidence of the degree to which a student can independently demonstrate the targeted CCRS. Assesses student proficiency using methods that are accessible and unbiased, including the use of grade level language in student prompts. Includes aligned rubrics, answer keys, and scoring guidelines that provide sufficient guidance for interpreting student performance. A unit or longer lesson should: Use varied modes or curriculum embedded assessments that may include pre-, formative, summative and self-assessment measures. Mathematics
How do we assess formatively? Think of two learners, one who is finding the task straightforward and one who is finding it difficult. Describe these learners’ strengths and difficulties to your shoulder partner in detail. Explain how you know about these strengths and difficulties. What evidence do you have? Mathematics
Looking at Student Work
TTLP – Part 3 Mathematics
FEEDBACK AND FIXES – DIMENSION IV Feedback: Individually check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found. Fix: Identify and record input on specific improvements that might be made to meet criteria or strengthen alignment. Mathematics
HOLISTIC VIEW OF THE RUBRIC Divide into 4 groups Each group will start at a poster Read and discuss each poster. As a group chart your comments on the Dimension poster, and your questions on the “Question I Still Have” poster. Gallery Walk until you have posted on all 4 posters. Mathematics
P-Q-P How was your learning experience today? Praise: What is good about the training? Question: What do you not understand? Polish: What specific suggestions for improvement can you make? Mathematics
LESSON 2 Dimension I: What are the mathematical goals for the lesson? Does the lesson target CCRS standards? What should student know and understand about mathematics as a result of the lesson? Are standards appropriate? What resources or tools will students have to use in their work that will give them entry into, and help the reason through the task? How will students work-independently, in small groups, or in pairs – to explore this task? How long will they work individually or in small groups or pairs? Will students be partnered in a specific way? How? Why or why not? How will students record and report their work? Mathematics
LESSON 2 Dimension II: Does the lesson reflect the level of rigor that is prioritized in the standards? Does the lesson provide opportunities for development of math concepts across domains and learning progressions? Does the lesson build on students’ previous knowledge, life experiences, and culture? How does the lesson provide opportunities for students to apply mathematical concepts in real-world situations? Will students engage in situations that require them to persevere, plan and model to solve problems? Does the lesson support the understanding of mathematical concepts through problem solving? How is understanding demonstrated? Does the lesson provide opportunities for development of procedural skill and fluency? Does the lesson require cognitive effort and require students to explore and understand mathematical concepts? Does the lesson provide sample questions to help students focus on the mathematical ideas that are targeted in the standards? Mathematics
LESSON 2 Dimension III: Does lesson provide support for students’ attainment of targeted standards? How does the lesson support students as they begin the task? How does the lesson focus on key mathematical ideas? Does the lesson provide possible students responses to help teachers support students’ learning without telling too much? What instructional supports or strategies are included in the lesson to support a wide range of learners? (cultural, linguistic, interventions, extensions) How will students express their thinking? Does the lesson provide strategies to promote constructive discourse? Mathematics
How can I take what I have learned and share with other teachers? STRATEGIES How can I take what I have learned and share with other teachers? Mathematics
LESSON 2 Dimension IV: Are potential solution paths identified? Have solutions paths been connected to the learning target? Does the lesson identify questions that will allow students opportunities to make sense of their learning? Does the lesson identify observable evidence of student learning? Does lesson include aligned rubrics and scoring guides or possible student work? Mathematics
For Next Time For next time… Implement the 2 lessons in the classroom Bring student work samples and instructional supports from these lessons If possible, bring a video tape of you teaching the lesson you helped create Choose a third lesson to review and revise Topics for Day 4 and 5 will include: Discussions on how to make the units more rigorous and relevant based on reflections Mathematics