Lo: Can I work in groups to analyse the character Crooks in detail?
Better off? Can you support your argument? Discuss this statement – what do you think? Start with the following statement from Philosophy Professor Dr. Richard E. Hart (Bloomfield College, NJ): “Crooks has his own room, furniture and books, hence, he is better off than the other ranch hands”. Can you support your argument?
You’re going to work in groups… You will be given a task and after 10mins of time to analysis and research you’re going to present your findings back to the class. Aiming for A/A* - think about the themes present in the novella. What techniques has Steinbeck used to emphasise his points?
Group One: List the objects that Crooks has in his room. What do they reveal about him as a character? What is the symbolism behind some of these objects?
Group Two: What has Crooks realized about his childhood and his father, by reflecting on them as an adult? He says I never knew till long later why he didn’t like that [Crooks playing with white children]. But I know now. What does this reveal about Crooks’ character? Why has Steinbeck included this in the book?
Group Three: Later in the evening, Crooks taunts Lennie, pretending that he thinks George may have abandoned him. What is his immediate reason for playing this trick? His deeper reason may be exposed when Crooks says “S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rummy ‘cause you was black. How’d you like that?”
Group Four: When Curley’s wife enters the barn, she threatens Crooks if he complains to the boss about her violating his privacy. What physical description is given of Crooks during these threats? Find quotes. What happens to his voice? Reactions? What does this tell us?
Group Five: Crooks offers to join the dream farm group, but then retracts his offer. Find some relevant quotes. About Crook’s views on dreams. Why do you think he says he did not really mean it? Why did Steinbeck include this in the novella?
Feedback time! Make notes!
How does Steinbeck present the character Crooks in OMAM?
(Point) What you’re saying. (Evidence) “…………(One or two word quotation)……………” (Explanation) Connotations. Effect on reader. Images it builds up. Other possible meanings to the word. The use of the (adjective/noun/simile/verb etc) makes the reader feel… This creates the impression… This is effective because… The connotations of the (adjective/noun/simile/verb etc) are… On the other hand…
Sophisticated and impressive Self Assessment! A* Sophisticated and impressive Sophisticated interpretation Sophisticated engagement Sophisticated and detailed analysis of language and structure Perceptive and mature comments A Confident and assured Confident and developed interpretations Engagement with ideas Analyses language and structure convincingly B Clear and consistent Clear evidence of understanding Explain ideas clearly Able to explore significant elements Understand features of language C Some Shows awareness of meanings Aware of some of writers ideas Uses quotations Make some relevant comments