ANSWERS TO POST ON THE DRY ERASE BOARDS How many tentacles does your Hydra have? ______ 2. Does your Hydra have a bud on it? YES or NO 3. Did the Hydra eat the Daphnia? YES or NO 4. Does your Daphnia have eggs in its brood chamber? YES or NO
1. How many tentacles does your Hydra have? ______
2. Does your Hydra have a bud on it? Is it about to reproduce? YES or NO
3. Did the Hydra eat the Daphnia? YES or NO
4. Does your Daphnia have eggs in its brood chamber? YES or NO
Sea Monkeys Official: How to Create, The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys
Example Species: magna DAPHNIA Classification Information Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Arthropod Genus: Daphnia Example Species: magna
DAPHNIA Reproduction Spring - Summer asexual Good conditions -most are female -produce eggs without mating eggs are held in the brood chamber Eggs hatch = baby daphnia continues as long as conditions are favorable Fall – Winter sexual Poor conditions - about equal numbers of males and females - the offspring mate - the female Daphnia produce hard-shelled eggs - eggs hatch when conditions are good again
DAPHNIA Moves: uses antennae Eats: algae (protist) bacteria yeast (fungus) Other: bilateral symmetry
Video 1 Video 2
Example species: viridis HYDRA Classification Information Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Cnidarian Genus: Hydra Example species: viridis
Reproductio HYDRA asexual Good conditions -grow buds that break off and grow into a new hydra sexual Poor conditions - hermaphrodites: release sperm & egg in water - new hydra hatches out of egg
HYDRA Moves: - attaches to rocks & plants - squirms along when needs to Eats: daphnia (animal) cyclops (animal) algae (protist) Other: - hermaphrodite - radial symmetry - able to regenerate - about 1mm-20mm - Polyp shape: cuplike form of a cnidarian - 1-12 tentacles: long, thin armlike structures
How does the hydra kill the daphnia? Hydra have nematocysts = stinging cells - shoot a barbed arm out to sting & entangle prey tentacles push the prey in the mouth The sting of a hydra is too mild and it not dangerous for humans.
PLANARIA Classification Information Kingdom: Animal Phylum:Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Genus: Dugesia Example Species: tigrina
PLANARIA REPRODUCTION asexual Hermaphrodites asexual -detaches tail & each part regrows into 2 - not done often sexual -reproduce with their own sperm/egg or with a mate -mating is better = adds diversity to the gene pool
Movement: Nutrition: Other: PLANARIA cilia underneath & leaves a mucus path Nutrition: carnivores dead or slow moving organisms Other: avoids light - eye spots to sense light feeds with pharynx - able to regenerate bilateral symmetry - grow to be 3mm-5mm
PLANARIA Planaria eat meat. The planaria smell in water the way we sense smells in air. They smell the meat and grab on. These carnivorous worms have two "eyes" that can sense light, but their eyes can't form clear images like human eyes. Planaria play the role of pond trash-collectors, scavenging and eating dead animals. There would be an awful pile-up in ponds if planaria weren't around to clean up!
PLANARIA http://www.exploratorium.edu/imaging_station/research/planaria/story_planaria1.php