Pages in textbook 646-652 Barron’s Book pages247-249 Schizophrenia Pages in textbook 646-652 Barron’s Book pages247-249
Schizophrenia Most severe and debilitating of the psychological disorders. Strikes at young adulthood Psychotic disorder – marked by irrationality and lost contact with reality.
Symptom 1: Disorganized Thinking The thinking of a person with Schizophrenia is fragmented and bizarre and distorted with false beliefs. Disorganized thinking comes from a breakdown in selective attention.- they cannot filter out information.
Symptom 2: Delusions (beliefs that have no basis in reality) Delusions of Persecution – belief that people are out to get you. Delusions of Grandeur – belief that you enjoy greater power and influence than you do.
Symptom 3: Disturbed Perceptions hallucinations- sensory experiences without sensory stimulation. Auditory most common
Symptom 4: Inappropriate Emotions and Actions Laugh at inappropriate times. Flat Effect Senseless, compulsive acts. Catatonia- motionless Waxy Flexibility
Symptom 5: Odd use of Language Make up their own words (neologisms) Clang associations Word salad – jumping from one idea to another in totally nonsensical pattern Echolalia parrot like repeating of another’s speech and Echopraxia -movements Clang Association Example: "Imagine the worst Systematic, sympathetic Quite pathetic, apologetic, paramedic Your heart is prosthetic“
Additional Symptoms Neglect of personal hygiene Socially withdrawn Loss of motivation Inappropriate clothing – layers of clothing in hot weather
Classifying Symptoms Positive Symptoms Negative Symptoms Presence of inappropriate symptoms Examples: Absence of appropriate ones. Examples:
Overall Causes of Schizophrenia Prenatal Development Brain Anatomy Low birth weights Oxygen deprivation during delivery Famine Maternal viral infection Experience the flu Environmental Double binds – person is given contradictory messages which may cause distorted way of thinking Diathesis-stress model – environmental stressors can provide circumstances under which a biological predisposition for illness can express itself. Dopamine hypothesis – excess dopamine (hallucinations & paranoia) Gray matter in brains less dense Temporal lobe activation (hallucinations) Low activity in frontal lobes Fluid filled areas and corresponding shrinkage of cerebral tissue Smaller-than-normal cortex & thalamus
Overall Causes Cont. Genetic Factor higher rates of schizophrenia for people with sibling or parent with disease Twins who shared placenta are more likely than twins who didn’t to both get disease
Case Study of Schizophrenia Identify symptoms of schizophrenia
Somatic Therapies AKA - Neuroleptics Psychopharmacology Antipsychotics – most work as dopamine antagonists (thorazine & Clorzaril) Anti-anxiety (valium, barbiturates, Librium, & Xanax) central nervous system depressants Antidepressants - Mood Disorders MAOI’s – inhibit MAO enzyme from breaking down norepinephrine and seratonin at the synapse (Nardil and Parnate) (SSRI’s)serotonin reuptake inhibitors – blocks the reuptake of only seratonin (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox) (lithium Carbonate) Treats bipolar disorder (TCA’s) Tricyclics – blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine & seratonin (Trofanil, Elavil, & Norprmin) Tardive dyskinesia – involuntary movements of facial muscles
Group vs. Individual Therapy Group therapy can help more people and cost less per person than individual therapy. Knowledge of others similar problems. Family Therapy – therapy that treats the family as a system. Advantages of Family therapy Opens up communication within a family Learn new ways of preventing or resolving conflict.