Bailment Relationship Chapter 16 6/4/2018 Bailment Relationship Bailments Bailor and Bailee Duties
Bailments GOALS Discuss the ways in which bailments are created and ended Identify common real-life bailments Chapter 17
FOCUS What is a bailment? Have you been involved in one? Chapter 17
HOW ARE BAILMENTS CREATED AND ENDED? Transfer of possession and control Possession Control Disposition of the goods Termination of the bailment Chapter 17
What are the three ways in which bailments are ended? Chapter 17
COMMON EXAMPLES OF BAILMENTS Bailments for transport Bailments for hire Bailments for services Bailments for sale Chapter 17
Bailor and Bailee Duties GOALS Describe the duties owed by the bailee in a bailment State the bailor’s duties in a bailment Chapter 17
FOCUS Characteristics of bailment Levels of care The subject is tangible personal property The bailor transfers temporary possession to the bailee The bailor transfers temporary control to the bailee The goods must be returned to the bailor or to someone the bailor specifies Extraordinary Ordinary Minimal Chapter 17
DUTIES OWED BY THE BAILEE IN A BAILMENT Duty to care for the property Modification of the level of care Modification by legislation Modification by contract Modification by disclaimer Duty to return the goods Chapter 17
WHAT DUTIES ARE OWED BY THE BAILOR IN A BAILMENT? Mutual-benefit bailments Bailments for the sole benefit of bailor Bailments for the sole benefit of bailee Chapter 17