Tribute Speech Aristotle Name : Haidy Asih Nastiti ID : 201200409 Section 202
Outline Introduction Timeline of Aristotle’s Life Why do I adore Aristotle? Aristotle Accomplishment and Inventions Does Aristotle affect my life? My Favorite Aristotle’s Quotes Conclusion
Introduction Who is Aristotle? A Greek philosopher A student of Plato
Timeline of Aristotle’s Life
Why do I adore Aristotle? He was a genius He was indomitable He never stopped learning
Aristotle Accomplishment and Inventions Syllogism and particular premises Modernized the theory of classification of plants and animals Author of a philosophical and scientific system
Does Aristotle Affect My Life? Enthusiastic Never give up so easily
My Favorite Aristotle’s Quotes “All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.” “Happiness depends upon ourselves.”
Conclusion Aristotle is one of my favorite figures because he was able to master many different types of science. Moreover, he has influence my perspective that age doesn’t make us to stop learning.
References Beebe, Steven A., Susan. J. Beebe, and Diana K. Ivy. (2010). Communications: Principles for a Lifetime, Fourth Edition. Boston: Ally & Bacon. Broadie, Sarah. (1993). Ethics with Aristotle. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press. Landry. P. (2011). Aristotle’s Biography. Retrieved from ristotle.htm Roger, A. (2000). Aristotle : Nicomachean Ethics. Port Chester, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press Stenudd, S. (2003). Aristotle’s Life. Retrieved from sources.htm Wikipedia. (2013). Aristotle. Retrieved from