Quarry Operator/Contractor Code of Conduct Welfare facilities for Contractors
Welfare facilities for Contractors The Quarry Operator/Contractor Code of Conduct recognises: We are building partnerships Partnerships only work when the partners are equal Contractors should be welcomed on site in the same way as new direct employees There should be mutual respect between contractors and others on site.
Welfare facilities for Contractors About welfare facilities, the Code says: Sites should provide access to clean, adequate welfare facilities for contractors whilst on site with a focus on establishing a consistent standard. What does that mean? It means that contractors should expect to be able to use adequate welfare facilities that meet their needs on site. How do we know what they are going to need? Ask them! If the existing site facilities cannot meet requirements, you should do two things: 1. Review your own facilities 2. See if temporary facilities are appropriate
Welfare facilities for Contractors So far this has mostly been about what the quarry operator should be doing, what about the contractors themselves? On the very first slide the need for mutual respect is recognised. For the Quarry Operator this means making sure that the contractors have adequate welfare facilities. Whether provided by them or not. For the Contractors this means looking after them. Site facilities should be left in a clean and undamaged condition after use.
Welfare facilities for Contractors What is the minimum that should be available? • There have to be enough toilets provided and they have to easy to get to and kept clean, • There have to be enough washing facilities (including showers if necessary) and they have to be provided near to toilets, even if they are provided elsewhere as well, and they have to be kept clean. • The washing facilities have to have hot and cold, or warm, water provided which must be running if practicable. • Soap or other washing products have to be provided as do towels of some description. • Toilets and washing facilities must be properly ventilated and lit • Clean drinking water has to be provided Where appropriate, consideration also has to be given to the following: • Some form of accommodation for clothing, so that non-work clothes can be stored. If necessary there has to be a way of drying clothes • Facilities to get changed if necessary • Enough rest facilities that are easy to get to in order to take breaks etc., and there has to be somewhere to eat meals if meals are regularly eaten (more applicable to long term contractors than temporary) For all of the above: • Account has to taken of privacy for men and women