Unit 11: Analysis of Sports Performance Purpose and Resources required for analysing different levels of performance Unit 11: Analysis of Sports Performance
Aims of the lesson Identify reasons for analysis Identify four levels of performance giving relevant examples Link the purpose of analysis to the level of performance Establish the resources needed at each level of performance
Levels of sporting performance Foundation level Beginner /participation level Performance Level Elite Level
Foundation Level Who is the focus on What is the main purpose of this level Who are the typical participants The main focus is on the participants learning and understanding basic movements skills and developing a positive attitude to PA – Mainly aimed at school children
Beginner or Participation level Who is the focus on What is the main purpose of this level Who are the typical participants These people will be taking part in sport for a range of reasons such as health, fitness and social. They may also be attracted by the competitive element of sports – participation will be out of school hours and Saturday league players
Participation Level Who is the focus on What is the main purpose of this level Who are the typical participants At performance level these participants will be active in improving performance/standards through coaching, competition and training. They would normally play at county or national standard.
Elite level Who is the focus on What is the main purpose of this level Who are the typical participants Elite and excellence levels involve the participants reaching national standards of performance up to Olympic or world class performance
think they fit in both position them in the middle. Elite Recreational Talent identification Monitoring fitness levels Recovery after injury Performance assessment Injury prevention Monitoring health status Game statistics Developing training programmes Squad selection Goal Setting Drag the purposes of analysis to the box you think they fit in – if you think they fit in both position them in the middle.
Elite Recreational Drag the resources required for analysis Notational analysis systems Coaching staff are experienced and full time Elite Recreational Full time contact with athletes Access to GPS technology Contact with athletes is limited Limited number of coaching staff Pro Zone analysis system Verbal feedback generally used Dedicated performance analysis staff Visual feedback in form video clips often used Training facilities are often hired or rented Analysis rooms available to feedback to athletes Drag the resources required for analysis into the box you think they fit into
Task: fill in the blanks with knowledge that you have acquired Level of performance Purpose of analysis Resources Required Foundation Beginner/Participation Performance Elite
Task Compare you table with someone else on your table Compare as a whole table Compare with someone from another group
100 people were asked the most common purpose of Sports analysis X X Monitor fitness levels FF 52 Develop training programs FF 21 X Goal setting FF 12 Performance assessment FF 8 Injury prevention FF 6 X
We asked 100 people how analysis can be performed X X GPS FF 85 PRO ZONE FF 10 X Notational Analysis FF 4 video FF 3 Verbal feedback from coach FF 2 X
How confident are you? P5: Explain the purpose of, and the resources required for, analysis at 2 different levels of sport