Welcome to the machine
Association for Survey Computing 11th of May 2017 Chris Davison Chris.Davison@kpmg-nunwood.co.uk Jerome Sopoçko jerome@askia.com - @askiajerry
API and MR in a timeline
The role of Surveys Behaviour: What? When? Surveys: Why? What if?
PANIC No Long Term Vision First Australia Project familiar requirements different time Mish Mash of CMD / SQL / Askia Team Accessibility
Appropriately replaced Accessible Powerful - allowed complexity Extensible - Fizz Applied across projects Integration with Askia showed wider possibilities Together with Askia’s automation features, resulted in an idea… Zero Hours Project Caveats
Doesn’t always have to be the case and was not our goal Tasks that lend themselves best are repetitive - not good use of skills Remember Caveats - rarely did they all hold Allowed flexibility Time freed up to allow us to extend remit and add new skills
Insight liked Excel Surveys are based on rules Created VB Scripts to verify those rules Allowed us provide Insight with the same outputs we had used for checking - confidence Original Question: Yes with IF No with BUT We had automated the tasks we set out to BUT we changed the way we worked - more ad hoc, better relationship with Insight SUMMARY Operational Improvements Better Working Practices Beginnings of extending our capabilities JEROME
Source: NRS. January - December 1998 Almost always Quite often Only occasionally Av. daily newspaper .835 .259 .059 Sunday newspaper .962 .433 .103 General Weekly .820 .345 General Fortnightly .888 .532 .163 General Monthly .977 .795 .323 Bi-monthly/Quarterly .966 .923 .544 Women's Weekly .903 .363 .093 Women's Fortnightly .875 .536 .152 Women's Monthly .969 .775 .306 Women's Bi-monthly .950 .890 .416 Source: NRS. January - December 1998
Text driven surveys Q Q Q Please could you tell us about your trip with Sopocko Air from Heathrow to JFK last Wednesday? Please consider all parts of the journey and tell us as much as you can about the good and bad aspects. Q The staff around the check-in desk were very helpful. I struggled to use the self service machine but someone took me through it step by step. Despite the flight being full, the crew were very attentive and provided excellent service. We’re sorry to hear you had problems with the self service kiosk, please could you describe in a little more detail what problems you encountered? Q I found the instructions a little confusing, but once someone helped it was straight forward enough. Typical Survey Is Linear mostly the same as something we would post to someone 20 years ago Routing from closed, follow up with opens Challenge this paradigm Pool of opens - select the most appropriate Balance with randoms but know the context Tackle MR issues - trust, interview time Personalised experience - client interaction SUMMARY We need to continue to use technology more and more but rather than simply supplementing what already do, find ways of challenging and disrupting traditional approaches to project design, only then will be use the tech to its full potential You mentioned you were happy with the service provided by the cabin crew, was there anything in particular that they did to make you feel this way? Q Any requests for help were always answered quickly and they were very polite.
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