Parable of The Sower Luke 8:4-15
Informative Parable Prophetic- same reactions today Profound- real reasons for falling away Personal- speaks to you and me
Purpose of Parables Stress one thing Not the preparation of the soil Not the dedication of the sower Different types of hearers Responsibility of the hearers
Wayside Soil Hardened by footprints Grain couldn’t penetrate it Devoured by the birds
Wayside Soil Hearts hardened by … Continuous evil (Genesis 6:5) Prejudice (Matthew 13:15) Deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13) Covetousness (2 Peter 2:14)
Wayside Soil Need understanding Comes by the Word (Psalm 119:104; Proverbs 2:1-5; 3:5) No excuse for ignorance (Ephesians 5:17) Pray for knowledge (Colossians 1:9, 10)
Wayside Soil Power of the Word Satan’s knows its power (2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10) Deceived Eve (2 Corinthians 11:3)
Rocky Soil Thin layer of topsoil Plant springs up, dies in the sun Roots not deep where the moisture is
Rocky Soil Eagerly accepts but falls away Some obeyed at a young age Started attending, obeyed, then left Helped convert others, then fell away
Rocky Soil Jesus’ explanation Tribulation (Matthew 13:21) Danger of the “health and wealth gospel” Cross-bearing necessary (Luke 9:23) Temptation (Luke 8:13) Persecution (Mark 4:17)
Rocky Soil Symptoms of an underlying problem “Had no root in himself” No true convictions, or foundation No real determination to serve the Lord and go to heaven
Thorny Soil Ground filled with weeds and thorns Plant springs up but is “choked” Not able to come to maturity
Thorny Soil Choked by … Cares of the world (Luke 10:41, 42) Deceitfulness of riches (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) Pleasures of this life (Mark 4:19)
Thorny Soil Is this you, or me? No longer find joy in serving the Lord? No longer rejoice when worshiping God? Delight in things other than Bible study, prayer, etc?
Good Soil Secret to success Reason for preparation Need depth
Good Soil Need to have this heart Embrace the Word (James 1:25) Produce fruit (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Good Soil Faithful unto the end Storing up for a good harvest (1 Timothy 6:19) Absolute trust in God (2 Timothy 1:12)
Conclusion All possible responses to the Word Blessed with free will What type of soil are you?