Overview LLMC (Law Library Microform Consortium) Chartered in 1976 as nonprofit 501 (c ) 3 Self-governing (Board and Advisory Council elected by member libraries) 500+ universities, county libraries, law firms, et.al. Including CRL Member Partnership Mission: “Preserving legal and governance-related materials and making this valuable content accessible and searchable” 1976-2002 converted 105,000 volumes into microform 2002 launched LLMC-Digital digitizing over 105,000 volumes Multiple-format Preservation Original paper blocks of scanned books – archivally wrapped and preserved in ideal dark-archive Silver Halide Masters Digital Images
Archive Details LLMC’s Dark Side – Salt Mines in Kansas Contracted with Underground Vaults & Storage Wrapped in a 400 ft thick rock salt cocoon, located 650 ft below earth’s surface, accessible only by vertical freight elevator “Fort Knox” security measures like biometric scans, video cameras, redundant authorizations, steel vault doors, blind passwords, anonymous storage, restricted personnel access, infrared monitors… Guaranteed access to 10,000 cubic feet of storage Equivalent of 200,000+ volumes Expenses Fixed costs $20,000/year Variable costs Ingest expense Retrieval expense Business Model – Integral to LLMC Mission Part of our general operations budget (primarily subscription revenue) Operation and Quality Controls Shipment boxes standardized 10x11.15 inch double walled box Currently, 2327 boxes at salt mines Location Control Reports
Anecdote Alabama Supreme Court Reports General Rule: LLMC will only send “Satisfactory” volumes to the salt mines. Definition - no missing pages and the volume condition indicates it could be scanned again. Exception: in rare cases, this cannot be achieved. Case in point - in the early years of the Alabama Supreme Court Reports, paper was very thin and high in acid content; pages very brittle and in many cases, either missing or in pieces. not just a case of a “bad batch of books”; requested fill-in volumes from over 6 different libraries and their books were all in the same condition. Solution: in order to preserve the information, LLMC – used pages from the different libraries books (from same editions) to fill in missing pages taped (using Archival Tape – will not discolor or damage the paper) to repair as much of the book as possible obtained as clean of a scan as possible in order to provide customers with the digital content. then, since we probably will not be able to receive a “Satisfactory” level of book. Sent archivally wrapped paper blocks to the salt mines.
Pictures Step-and-repeat Scanning Quality Control by Page Archival Wrap Ship to Salt Mines Ready for Salt Mines