My Inquiry Learning Seals Rabbits Camels By:Reeze G
SEALS From slides 2 to 10
What is a Seal’s predator or prey? The seals predator are people and sharks. The seals prey are fish and squid.
How does a Seal feed/eat? When the seal is a baby one of it’s parent hunt for fish while the other parent stays with their child.
How does a Seal survive in it’s environment? Seals survive in the cold environment because they have a very thick layer of blubber [fat] that keeps them warm.
What is a Seal’s life span? The average Seal lives for about 30 to 46 years.
What is a Seal’s life cycle? About 12 months after mating ,female Seal’s give birth to 1 baby. It grows very fast and it quickly builds up a layer of blubber because Seal milk is extremely rich in fat and protein. Seals drink their mother’s milk for three to 5 days. Then the mother mates again.
A Seal’s habitat A Seal’s habitat is very cold and it also has shallow/deep waters.
Where do Seals come from? Seals come from the Arctics.
Are Seals endangered? Yes, because people are killing them for their skin and meat. Seals are also endangered because there is a lot of pollution in the ocean.
Rabbits From slides 11 to 19
What is a Rabbit’s predator or prey? Rabbits have many predators such as Cats, Dogs, Birds, Weasels, Bears, Raccoons, Snakes and most importantly humans. Rabbits also have prey and their prey are………….. nothing rabbits don’t have prey they eat plants.
How does a Rabbit feed/eat? The Rabbits chew their food by biting or chewing their food with their two front teeth. Then they swallow it and their body takes care of the rest.
How does a rabbit survive in it’s environment? Rabbits survive by making groups of about 70 and living together.
What is a Rabbits life span? Wild Rabbits usually live for less then 2 years because they have so much predators. But pet Rabbits live for up to 7 to 12 years.
What is a Rabbits life cycle? After a female Rabbit mates with male Rabbit the female Rabbit is then pregnant for 30 days. After that the Rabbit makes 4 to 12 kits. [newborn rabbits] Kits are born small, blind and hairless. They feed on their mothers milk for about 4 to 5 weeks. When they are 3 weeks old they leave the nest for periods of time.
A Rabbits habitat Their habitat has a lot of trees and grass and barley dry. But in their burrow it is very moist and narrow.
Where does a Rabbit come from? Most of them are found in Northern America, Japan, Europe and parts of Africa and India.
Are Rabbits endangered? No, Rabbits are not endangered. But there is a highly likely chance that their numbers will decrease.
Camels From slide 20 to 28
What is the Camels predator or prey? The Camels main predators are wolves, tigers, lions and humans. The Camels prey are……………. Nothing they are herbivores.
How does a Camel feed/eat? First the Camel swallows without chewing much. it then goes through one stomach. After that the Camel spits it out and eats it again and it goes through the other two stomachs.
How does a Camel survive in it’s environment? A Camel survives by camouflaging with it’s skin that has a very close colour to sand. It also is very good at surviving because it can go for long periods of time without water by storing water in it’s hump.
What is a Camels life span? The average Camel’s life span is about 40 years.
What is a Camel’s life cycle? After mating with the male Camel the female is pregnant for about 13 months. A female Camel usually gives birth to 1 camel and sometimes twins. The baby Camel walks within hours of birth. He feeds her Camels milk. The baby Camel stays close to the mother until they are about 5 years old.
A Camels Habitat The Camels habitat is the desert. There it is very hot and dry.
Where does a Camel come from? Camels originate from Northern America.
Are Camels endangered? Yes. Camels are endangered, because animals and people have been killing them.