Answering exam questions GCSE Physical Education
Differentiated questions Some questions are designed for simple recall of information and these are designed to be accessible for all. Identify / State – limited or no explanation
To further stretch your knowledge… Some questions are designed to further stretch the candidate and will require you to explain why and asks for explanation.
Time You have Time to show your knowledge. Plan through answers and allow time to explain your answer. 80 marks – 1 hour 30 mins
6 Mark Question at GCSE level There will be 2 extended questions that are designed to show your understanding of a topic area, and that you are able to apply this practically. It is also looking at your ability to structure your answers and you will be marked on your Quality of Written Communication. Worth 15% of total paper
Format of the question This question is differential, based on Levels mark scheme. Discussing rather than just naming It is the development of a point that is key.
Planning You must plan your answer and then convert these plans into a detailed explanation Always keep the key characteristics in mind when planning and use these keywords Examiners will look for a plan and see that you transfer it to your essay
Levels Mark Scheme 1 1-2 2 3-4 3 5-6 Level Mark Descriptor Brief and narrative responses, making a limited number of simple statements, with limited reference to the question. Lacks clarity and organisation, with frequent errors in spelling & grammar. 2 3-4 Responses will be mostly accurate and include relevant material. Some understanding through description and explanation, although content more description than explanation. Writing communicates accurate use of appropriate terminology, and the organisation of the response shows some direction and control. There will be few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 3 5-6 Factually accurate and sustained responses that relate well to the focus of the question and have successfully addressed all aspects of the question. Shows sound understanding and can provide a clear description and explanation. Writing communicates ideas effectively Using appropriate terminology, and organises material clearly and coherently. Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be accurate throughout the response.
Levels of response question Do not just give a list of facts… Need extended writing style to score well Candidates who develop key points with an explanation, some expansion, a relevant example will gain marks. These are Developed Responses
Using the Command words Identify – ‘Name or state the basic details’. Describe – means you state the key features of a topic area Explain – means describe and give reasons why or causes Discuss – means giving your opinion, based on evidence, on the importance of various viewpoints on a topic. Evaluate - means write about strengths / weaknesses or advantages / disadvantages Find examples from past papers to illustrate these commands. 10 10
RADAR R Read the question A Read it Again D Decide what the question wants A Answer carefully R Read through your answer (will it get you full marks?)
Discuss …because… …therefore… ..however… ..whereas.. …and so… …furthermore… …in addition… …for example… On the other hand…