Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options March 2017 ‘Making the right choice’
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options The Core Curriculum Why Options in Year 8 Pathways Arts College Do’s and Don’ts Working Examples Time-scales
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Options – Core Curriculum Mathematics - everyone does GCSE. English - everyone does GCSE Language and GCSE Literature. Science - students not doing 3 separate GCSE Sciences do 2 GCSEs in Combined Science No Exams in PE (Recreation), RE, Citizenship, Health Education and Careers – taught through Tutor Time.
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Why Options in Year 8? Students can focus on subjects they enjoy and achieve in. Teachers can spend time preparing students in the skills needed for GCSE during Y9. Students can start their GCSEs when they are ready. Students have 8 terms to prepare for GCSE, not 5. Y9 stops being a year of educational ‘free wheeling’.
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Why Pathways? Large Comprehensive School – range of choice, to suit all abilities and interests. Not ‘one size fits all’ – play to student’s strengths. If your son/daughter finds their niche – something they are really good at – a lot of ‘life’ falls into place. We have placed your son/daughter in the pathway we think they will perform well in and consequently get the best possible grades. This is based on teacher’s professional opinion and data on performance and potential to date.
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Our commitment to Arts College status is because we believe fundamentally in the positive impact creative learning through Arts subjects has on your son/daughter’s employability and life skills, especially:- Communication Working Together Being adaptable Being flexible in their thinking Being creative Critical Thinking The transferable skills within the Arts – especially in developing higher order thinking and questioning has a positive impact on students grades across the curriculum. If you want a copy of “Case for the Arts” – please ask
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Doing an Arts subject to GCSE is non negotiable The choice:- Fine Art Dance Art Graphics Drama Photography Art Textiles Music Media Studies Computer Science
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Government Policy Changes There is a lot of change. There is a lot of new terminology. Please refer to the hand out with regards:- Linear GCSE’s Technical Awards Grades English Baccalaureate
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Do’s Students:- Choose subjects you will enjoy in the blocks provided. Choose subjects from the option blocks provided where you will get good grades. Parents:- Visit the Careers adviser, Faye Rafferty Have a look at UCAS Website www.ucas.com Ask Sixth Form staff for advice
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Don’ts Parents Don’t rely on your experience of school / university – a lot has changed, and is changing as we speak Don’t impose your career aspirations onto your son/daughter. Don’t take your son/daughter out of school during Year 9, 10 or Year 11 – for any reason. Students Don’t do a subject because your friend is doing it. Don’t do a subject because it fits with your idea of a career.
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Choosing Subjects - Working Examples History or Geography? History requires lots of reading and long written answers. Geography needs you to use and apply numbers and to produce shorter written answers. Think:- What is your skills preference? What level are your literacy skills – reading age, spelling age, ability to do extended writing?
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Working Examples Combined Science or 3 separate GCSEs in Science? Studying Combined Science does not stop you becoming a Doctor or Vet. Single Science entries are based on performance to date and teacher recommendation. Science Faculty have already said Yes or No – based on ability and performance.
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options My Expectations 1. Of each Student Everyone achieves their full potential Everyone gives their best every lesson, every day Don’t put things off – do it today 2. Of the School Excellent teaching. To provide an individual route to success, lots of support and as much help as is required. Lots of help for students, academically and pastorally. 3. Of Parents ‘Tough Love’ & Good Communication. 4. Of everyone Don’t settle for second best .... It’s a tough world out there
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Timescales from here... Options Forms in to Form Tutors by Friday 24th March (Please note RE is in Block M of the Blue Booklet) SLT check each student’s choices are ‘sensible’ and match GCSE minimums. Mr Cunningham looks at preferences - expect some moving around after forms are in. Small numbers on courses may mean that course does not run. Dr Beswick writes the timetable. Some GCSEs will begin early – English, Mathematics, Science after Whit. September – start option courses.
Rainhill High School Media Arts College Year 8 Options Thank you for listening Talk to the teachers of those subjects on your shortlist You are welcome to stay to ask me any questions Sixth Form staff are in the Sports Hall if you want to speak to them. SLT link staff – first point of contact