Welcome to Junior Honours http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/~playfer/JH.ppt Prof. Steve Playfer (Physics) - JCMB 4406 Dr Brian Pendleton (Math.Phys.) - JCMB 4413 Prof. Graeme Ackland (Comp.Phys.) - JCMB 5411 Dr Avery Meiksin (Astrophysics) - IfA U17 Linda Grieve (Teaching Admin.) - JCMB 4314 Teaching Office - JCMB 4315
Read the JH Programme Guide www.ph.ed.ac.uk/teaching/progguides Online timetables are available www.ph.ed.ac.uk/teaching/timetables Check and hand back sign-up sheets Get your photograph taken In JCMB 2205 immediately after this lecture Select your class representatives For staff-student liaison committee Use JH notice boards In front of JCMB 4203 and 3203 In RoE Institute corridor (Astrophysics) Register disabilities In confidence with Teaching Admin.
Semester One Core courses Physics 3 Mathematical Physics 3 Dynamics & Relativity (Dr. Jamie Cole) Thermodynamics (Prof. Andrew Huxley) Quantum Mechanics (Dr. Arjun Berera) Physics 3 Physical Mathematics (Dr. Alistair Hart) Mathematical Physics 3 Tensors & Fields (Dr. Roger Horsley) Tutorial Workshops will be arranged by Lecturers
Semester Two Core Courses Electromagnetism (Prof. Steve Playfer) Statistical Mechanics (Dr. Philippe Monthoux) Physics 3 Optics (Dr. Will Hossack) Nuclear Physics (Dr. Dan Watts) Particle Physics (Dr. Victoria Martin) Mathematical Physics 3 Lagrangian Dynamics (Dr. Brian Pendleton)
Computational Methods (Dr. Peter Boyle) Semester 1 - Tuesday/Friday afternoons Sign up for a session on sheet outside 3203 Introductory Lecture - Today 14:00 in 6301 Electronic Methods (Dr. Paul Clegg) Semester 1 - Monday/Thursday/Friday afternoons Sign up for a session on sheet outside 4203 First session - Monday 2nd October 14:00 Experimental Laboratory (Dr. Tom Davinson) Semester 2 (more details then)
Assessment by Exam (changed!) Three-hour papers (20 credits) Dynamics & Relativity + Electromagnetism Thermodynamics + Statistical Mechanics Physics 3 (Optics + Nuclear&Particle Physics) 6 compulsory short questions and choice of 3/6 long questions Mathematical Physics 3 (Lag. Dyn. + Tensors & Fields) Choice of 3/6 long questions Two-hour papers (10 credits) Quantum Mechanics Physical Mathematics 4 compulsory short questions and choice of 2/3 long questions Electromagnetism, Stat. Mech., Optics, Nucl.&Particle Available separately for some students All papers are sat in spring 2007
Continuous Assessment Tutorial Workshop hand-ins (10%) Dynamics & Relativity, Electromagnetism Quantum Mechanics Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics Checkpoints Computational Methods Lab reports Electronic Methods, Laboratory
Progression Junior Honours must be passed at the first attempt to obtain an Honours Degree! Counts for 50% of BSc marks Counts for 20% of MPhys marks Still need 360 credits (JH pass) for ordinary degree Progression to Senior Honours (BSc) 40% overall mark Must not fail more than 40 credits Progression to Senior Honours (Mphys) 55% overall mark 50% or more on long questions (core courses)
Junior Honours … is more fundamental is more interesting is more rigorous requires more independent study If you are having difficulties talk to the lecturers your DoS or the JH organisers … we hope you enjoy the year