- Wrote book Il Milione describing travels “Marco” – “Polo” - Born in Venice, Italy (1254) - Wrote book Il Milione describing travels Traveled extensively from Europe to Asia along the famous Silk Road 17 years traveling across China – as envoy of Mongolian Emperor Kublai Khan Influenced later adventurers – including Christopher Columbus
Marco Polo & Great Khan Traveled inward areas of Asia never before explored by Europeans … even during The Crusades Amassed great knowledge – including use of paper money … economies & scale of production
Il Milione After returning, Marco took command of naval ship in war against Genoa … eventually captured & sentenced to prison where he met Rustichello – who he told about the Orient Stories were soon committed to paper and published as … The Description of the World: The Travels of Marco Polo
Introduced Europe to the Orient Asian Empires were largely a mystery to those living in Europe during Middle Ages Sophisticated culture – including advanced medicine, engineering & economies Provided western world with ideas of Asia's geography and mathematics