Contents Introduction International Cooperation EC Projects Attended T&T Courses Future Training & Tutoring Needs ENSTTI Future Needs NOT in the present Tutoring Catalogue Lessons Learned Conclusion
Introduction The Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) was established in 2001 by the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act no 19 of 1995 (Act). The ACT charges the NNRA with the responsibility for nuclear safety and radiological protection regulation in Nigeria. With the commitment of the Federal Government to increasing electricity generation from Nuclear Power Plants, NNRA has intensified efforts in developing regulatory framework and human capacity to license the facility and activities 5 June 2018 3rd NNRA Workshop for Editors and Correspondents on Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) NNRA has entered into partnership with the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) for the training of technical officers in nuclear safety and radiation protection at Masters Level. A total of five (5) Officers have obtained Masters Degree in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection from KINS while one is currently undergoing the programme.
IAEA TC project NIR/9/010: Developing Capabilities for Regulatory Oversight of Nuclear Power Programme The TC Project commenced in 2009 and was completed 1n 2014. The TC Project commenced in 2009 and consisted of the following activities: National Legislation that Strengthens the Regulatory Body and includes NPPs Establishment of appropriate NPP regulatory processes (site, review, NPP design review, development of regulations and guides, licensing process and public involvement). Conduct of competency mapping and gap analysis to determine training needs and development of training programme Conduct of training to develop regulatory skills to implement regulatory functions and processes. Establishment of appropriate NPP regulations and guides
The TC Project consisted of the following activities: IAEA TC project NIR/9/010: Developing Capabilities for Regulatory Oversight of Nuclear Power Programme The TC Project consisted of the following activities: Basic Professional Training Course conducted in 2009 and 2014 in Abuja Nigeria Workshop on the Regulatory Framework and the Licensing Process for Nuclear Power Plant, from 9th to 13th December 2013 Training on Licensing of New NPP Projects and Special On the Job Training(OJT) for Regulatory Inspection of NPP Under Construction at International Nuclear Safety School (INSS), KINS, September – October 2009 Advisory Mission in Relation to the Regulatory Requirements for Licensing of Sites for Nuclear Power Plants in Nigeria, 26th to 30th October, 2009. Consultancy on the Training Need Assessment for Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, 6th to 8th September, IAEA Fellowship in Nuclear Science and Technology (M.Sc.) for one NNRA staff from September 2009 to September 2010sh IAEA Fellowship on Conversion of HEU to LEU, Nigeria Research Reactor -1 (NIRR-1) for two Officers from July to November 2012
IAEA Regional TC project: Enhancing and Sustaining the National Regulatory Bodies for Safety (AFRA) Objective To enhance regulatory infrastructure, sustainability and cooperation among national regulatory bodies. Field of activity Governmental and regulatory infrastructure for Nuclear and radiation safety
Integrated Workplan for Nuclear Power Programme In 2015, an IAEA Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) Mission was held in Nigeria to assess the infrastructure for its nuclear power programme. Based on the outcome and recommendations of the Mission, an integrated Workplan has been developed in collaboration with the IAEA to further develop the needed capacity for regulating Nigeria’s nuclear power programme. Some of these training and fellowship needs are captured in the EC T&T programme
Cooperation Projects in T&T 2014-2016 EC INSC Projects: Training and Tutoring for experts of the NRAs and their TSOs for developing or strengthening their regulatory and technical capabilities EC INSC Project MC.03/10 (2014) EC INSC Project MC.03/13 (2015-2016)
Attended T&T Courses Total number of Trainees up to May 2016: 11 Total number of Trainings attended up to May 2016: 9 Total number of Tutees up to May 2016 : 1
Attended T&T Courses (June 2014 to May 2016) No. of Participant: 1 MC3.01/10: Regulatory Inspections (Oversight) for NPP – 2nd – 7th June 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria. No. of Participants: 2 MC3.01/13: NPP Siting Regulatory requirements and Licensing, Roma, 11 – 15 May 2015 No. of Participant: 1 MC3.01/13:Requirements and Safety Evaluation of NPP SAR, 6th – 11th July 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. No. Participants: 2 MC3.01/13:Nuclear power reactor technology and NPP safety from a regulatory perspective. September 5 – 9, 2015 Mannheim, Germany No. of Participants: 2 MC3.01/13:NPP Mechanical Structures & Components Requirements and Seismic Safety, November 2-6, 2015. Rome, Italy.
Attended T&T Courses (June 2014 to May 2016) No. of Participants: 2 MC3.01/13: Radiation Protection, 16-20, November, 2015. Mol, Belgium No. of Participant: 1 MC3.01/13: Regulatory Inspection (oversight) during NPP Operation. February 22 – 26, 2016 Sofia, Bulgaria. MC3.01/13: Regulatory Inspection (Oversight) During NPP Operation, 22nd - 26th February 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria. No. of Participant: 2 MC3.01/13: Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste, Mannheim, Germany, 18th – 22nd April, 2016 INSC Project MC3.01/13: NPP Mechanical Systems, Components and Safety Requirements (9th Nov. 2015 to 1st Jan. 2016), Pisa, Italy
Future Needs in the present Training Catalogue (Third Phase, Topic 1) Course No. Training Course Title Regional or EU Duration (weeks) Partner Country interest/ n trainees 1. EU-Acquis, legal and regulatory framework, regulatory role and responsibilities 3 sessions 1W Yes/2 2. Basic nuclear safety concepts , regulatory functions, licensing management and decision making 3. Requirements and safety evaluation of NPP SAR EU 1 session 4. Requirements and safety evaluation of NPP PSA 5. NPP siting regulatory requirements and licensing 6. Regulatory inspections (oversight) during siting and construction phases 1-2 W 7. Regulatory Inspections (oversight) during NPP operation 8. Requirements and safety evaluation of Research Reactors 2 session INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Future Needs in the present Training Catalogue (Third Phase, Topic 1) Course No. Training Course Title Regional or EU Duration (weeks) Partner Country interest/ n trainees 9. Requirements and Safety evaluation for RW management EU 2 session 1W Yes/2 10. Requirements and Safety evaluation for Decommissioning 1 session 11. Radiation Protection and regulatory emergency preparedness 4 sessions 12. Lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi incident and EU stress tests 13. Regulation of uranium mines 2 sessions 14. Public Information & communication INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Partner Country interest/ Future Needs in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue (Third Phase) Training Course No. Training Course Title Regional or EU Duration Partner Country interest/ n trainees 1. Nuclear power reactor technology and NPP safety from a regulatory perspective EU 2 session 1-2 W Yes/2 2. Nuclear fuel cycle and Uranium mining from a regulatory perspective 1 session 1 W 3. T/H analyses from regulatory perspective for NPP accident analysis 4. Structural analysis (mechanical and civil structures) and seismic safety 5. I&C systems, including digital systems, electrical and communication systems 6. Radiation protection principles and system at Nuclear Facilities 4 sessions 1W 7. Radiation source in medical, industrial and research related applications 8. Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste 9. Security, Nuclear materials Protection, Control and Accountability INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Future Needs in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue (Topic 1) Tutoring Course No. Tutoring Course Subject Duration (months) Complemented Training Courses Partner Country interest/ n tutees n. 1 Regulatory requirements and safety evaluation of NPP SAR 2-3 M 1, 2, 3, 12 Yes/2 n.2 Regulatory requirements and safety evaluation of NPP PSA 1, 2, 4, 12 n.3 Safety evaluation, licensing and oversight of NPP during design and construction 1-2 M 3, 5, 6 Safety evaluation, licensing and oversight of Research Reactors (RR) 8 n.5 Safety evaluation, licensing and oversight for RW management 9 n.6 Safety evaluation, licensing and oversight for decommissioning nuclear facilities 10 n. 7 Radiation protection and regulatory emergency preparedness 15 n. 8 Regulatory review and oversight of NPP during operation 3, 7 INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Future Needs in the present Tutoring Catalogue (Topic 2) Course No. Tutoring Course Subject Duration (months) Complemented Training Courses Partner Country interest/ n tutees 1. Reactor safety technology and NPP safety 2-3 M 1, 2, 5 Yes/2 2. NPP T/H codes for review of Accident Analysis 3 3. NPP civil structural analyses and computer codes 4 4. NPP mechanical systems structural analysis and codes 5. Radiation protection system in Nuclear Facilities 1-2 M 6 6. Radioactive sources management and requirements 7 7. Management of Spent Fuel and radioactive waste 8 8. Nuclear security, physical protection of nuclear material and accountability controls 9 INSC coordination meeting on T&T
EUROPEAN NUCLEAR SAFETY TRAINIGNG & TUTORING INSTITUTE (ENSTTI) NNRA commenced its collaboration with ENSTTI in 2016. One Officer attended the following Training Courses: Nuclear Safety 1, Bologna, Italy, 2 - 6 May 2016 Criticality Safety, Kaunas, Lithuania, 9-13 May 2016 Regulatory Framework for Decommissioning of Nuclear facilities, 16 – 20 may 2016. NNRA is looking forward to participating in future Training and Turing programmes of ENSTTI
Future Needs NOT in the present Tutoring Catalogue Tutoring Course No. Tutoring Course Subject Duration (months) Complemented Training Courses Partner Country interest/ n tutees 1. Regulatory Control Site Evaluation, and Inspection during Siting 2-3 M 4 Yes/2 2. Thermal Hydraulics 3. Build capacity through practical training programme – Inspection during construction and manufacturing of safety Components 4 4. Accident analysis (design basis accident, severe accidents) INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Lessons Learned: Good Practices. The training programme helped to strengthen NNRA regulatory and technical capabilities with regard to regulatory oversight of NPPs. All the Training and Tutoring catalogue are very important and relevant to NNRA regulatory functions The training also provides us with an opportunity to build professional relationships with experts from other participating countries The Resource Persons were experts in their fields and they did their best to break down the often complex concepts within the very limited time available. The European Commission has done very well in providing funds for NNRA participants
Lessons Learned: What could be improved? Participants of the Training programme will appreciate the opportunity to participate in tutoring programme that provide more time for in-depth study and competence building. Online resources for accessing training materials. The announcement of events should come early enough to allow for visa acquisition and other logistics. The Training courses should be evaluated and result given to participants
Final Remarks/ Conclusion All T&T programmes are very relevant to our regulatory functions and the NNRA stands to build the needed capacity and competences through continuous participation in EC Traing and Tutoring programmes. The NNRA expresses its profound appreciation and gratitude to: the European Commission (EC) for initiating and sponsoring Training and Tutoring programmes for NNRA Officers ITER-Consult and ENSTTI for organizing and implementing the training and tutoring programmes. We wish to request to continued support of the EC in funding NNRA participation in T&T Courses.