WIC WORKS: Baby Food for Older Infants - How About a Fresh Option? Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:30 AM – 12 PM PST AGENDA: Webinar Objectives and Instructions California WIC Association -- Laurie True, Executive Director New Research: WIC Baby Foods Acceptance -- Loan Pham Kim, Pepperdine University -- Lorrene Ritchie, Atkins Center for Weight and Health at U. C. Berkeley Questions and Answers For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 California WIC Association 1/19/2012
Webinar Objectives Review research and policy that explores: How WIC participants respond to the new prepared baby foods. How redemption rates for WIC baby foods shift as babies get older. The option of substituting fresh fruits and vegetables for prepared baby foods. For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 California WIC Association 1/19/2012
Using GoToWebinar You may listen to the webinar on your computer’s speakers or by telephone. If you encounter internet audio problems, you may dial in using a landline at (470) 200-0303. Access code: 455-128-043. If you are connected by phone, please do not put the line on hold – this can disrupt the entire webinar! Need help? Visit www.support.gotowebinar.com or call (800) 263 6317. For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 California WIC Association 1/19/2012
The GoToMeeting Attendee View NOTES The GoToMeeting attendee interface is made up of two parts. The Viewer Window is where attendees see the presenter’s screen. The Viewer Window can be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. The Control Panel is where attendees can interact with organizers. Click 1, 2 and 3: Clicking the arrows on the Grab Tab opens and closes the Control Panel. Click 4: Audio pane provides audio information. If the organizer has given attendees a choice, there are two options. Attendees joined via VoIP (Use Mic & Speakers) need speakers to hear and a microphone to speak if unmuted. Click 5 and 6: Attendees joined via telephone must punch in their Audio Pin on their telephone keypad so that organizers can unmute them if desired. Click 6: Attendees can communicate with organizers and other attendees through the Chat box (if enabled by the organizer). Click 7: In the View menu, uncheck “Auto-Hide the Control Panel” if attendees want their Control Panel to remain open. For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 phone number
Questions? Comments? To ask a question, type it into the Question box on your Control Panel at right. Be sure to press Send. We will prioritize questions and panelists will answer them as time allows at the end of the webinar. This webinar will be recorded and available for one month at www.calwic.org/events We regret we cannot offer CEU’s for this webinar. Tweeting this webinar? Use the Twitter hashtag: #wicworks For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 California WIC Association 1/19/2012
California WIC Association Healthy Families… Strong Communities… Bright Futures! A non-profit organization of directors of local WIC agencies Represents all parties interested in the operation of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Provides training and staff development, public education and advocacy, research and policy analysis, and more. Seeks inclusion and partnership beyond the traditional WIC network, including other service providers, business and corporations, vendors, and the general public. For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 California WIC Association 1/19/2012
Additional Resources Check back for Webinar Recording! http://calwic.org/events/wic-works-webinars-2012 WIC WORKS: WIC Infants Get New Tastes - Jarred Fruits and Vegetables http://calwic.org/storage/WIC_WORKS_WIC_Infants_Get_New_Tastes.pdf IOM: WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2005/WIC-Food-Packages-Time-for-a-Change.aspx USDA: WIC Food Package Regulations http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/benefitsandservices/foodpkg.HTM Other CWA Policy Briefs http://calwic.org/news-a-publications/publications-library For Audio: (470) 200-0303 Webinar ID: 455-128-043 California WIC Association 1/19/2012