Nationalism: The Good and the Bad The Best The Worst
Nationalism: Defined A group of people with a collective identity with political aspirations
Nation-State Fit Every country has: State Government Nation
Government: Structure Indian constitution Japanese Constitution Mexican Constitution South African Constitution
Answers From left to right: Top Row: US Pres. Barack Obama, Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping, Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin, Indian PM Narendra Modi. Middle Row: Ugandan Pres. Yoweri Museveni, Japanese PM Kane Shinzo, Brazilian President Dilma Roussef, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, South Korean Presidnet park-Geun-hye Bottom Row: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, South African Preisdent Jacob Zuma, UK PM David Cameron, Saudi King Abdullah, Zimbabwe Pres Robert Mugabe
Kurdish Nation
Canada and Quebec?
Independent Scotland?
Sudan and South Sudan