Created by Wury ferdiana Assalamualaikum wr wb Created by Wury ferdiana
Lets see the video below Tired ? Sleepy ? Wake up student,,,, Lets see the video below
Ratios and Rates
How can you describe the picture ??? Look at the picture How can you describe the picture ???
Tujuh dari 16 orang yang ada di foto adalah laki – laki Banyak laki – laki dan perempuan di foto adalah 9 berbanding 7 Banyak laki – laki di dalam foto adalah dua lebih banyak dari pada perempuan
Ratios and Rates ratio – a comparison of two numbers by division written in several different forms.
Ratios and Rates The order of the numbers in a ratio should match the order of the words in a ratio. apples to oranges 2 to 3
Ratios can be written in several different ways. Ratios and Rates Ratios can be written in several different ways. red to white 3 to 1 3 : 1 3/1 White to red
Ratios and Rates Ratios can show comparisons between: whole to part whole to strawberry 5 to 3 whole to pineapple 5 to 2
Ratios and Rates Give each ratio in three forms. 8 roses out of 24 flowers 8 to 24 8 : 24 3 dogs out of 12 animals 3 to 12 3 : 12
Ratios and Rates A ratio in fraction form can be expressed in simplest form by dividing the numerator and denominator by a common factor. ÷ 8 ÷ 3 = = ÷ 8 ÷ 3
How about this ??? 4 64 = 3 81 = 15 125 = The Answer are : ?????????????? 2. 1 27 1. 1 16 3. 3 25
Ratios and Rates rate – a ratio that compares different kinds of units by division to obtain a unit rate or rate per unit.
Ratios and Rates To express a ratio as a rate per unit, write the ratio as a fraction and then divide the numerator by the denominator. 395 miles in 5 hours miles miles 79 miles per hour = hours hours
Thanks for your attention Bye Bye