Differential Correction Checklist Antenna Capable of L1/L2 observations Antenna Capable of L1/L2 observations OxTS unit Radio Base Station Radio OxTS unit Correction format Correction baud rate OxTS unit model capable of RTK Power correctly applied (12-24v pulling around 1.2 Amps) Radio Correction baud rate Power correctly applied Radio Correction baud rate Power correctly applied Base Station Correction format Correction baud rate
Differential Correction Checklist - NTRIP Antenna Capable of L1/L2 observations OxTS unit NTRIP Receiver NTRIP Server OxTS unit Correction format Correction baud rate Power correctly applied (12-24v pulling around 1.2 Amps) OxTS unit model capable of RTK Providing location source (“Enable NTRIP Correction”) NTRIP Receiver Correction format requested Correction baud rate Power correctly applied Location source (RT or ext.) Data service reception Settings to login to NTRIP service NTRIP Server Valid Subscription Correction formats available Rover Side NTRIP Server Side