Probability and Random Variables Youngjoon Han 2015 Spring
Introduction Course title Instructor “Probability and Random Variables” “Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles” 4th edition by Peyton Z. Peebles, JR. Class hours Class ‘다’: Tuesday 12:00AM ~ 13:15PM, Thursday 13:30PM ~ 14:45PM Instructor Youngjoon Han Office: Room #1409 at Hyungnam Engineering Building E-mail: ,Tel: 820-0699 Vision System 수업/졸작 강의 게시판, 질문 게시판, 자료 게시판 Office hours: Wednesday 09:00AM ~ 12:00PM
Purpose of this Class Introduction Take the preliminary test (30 Min.) Introduction to the course – “Probability and Random Variables” Introduction to the principles of random signals (Mathematical) Tools for dealing with systems involving random signals A random signal is a time waveform that can be characterized only in some probabilistic manner
Class Positioning
Text Book Reference 1: Probability, Random Variables And Random Signal Principles 4rd Ed. Peyton Z. Peebles. JR. Reference 2: Probability Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes 4th Ed. Anthanasios Papoulis Main Textbook :
Textbook Organization Chapter 1. Probability Chapter 2. The Random Variable Chapter 3. Operations on One Random Variable – Expectation Chapter 4. Multiple Random Variables Chapter 5. Operations on Multiple Random Variables Chapter 6. Random Process- Temporal Characteristics
Evaluation Course breakdown Evaluation policy Lecture (almost all classes) Homework (6 times) Exams Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Midterm and Final Examination Evaluation policy Quiz(15%), Midterm(30%), Final Examination(30%) 75% Missing only one test F grade Homework (15%) Attitude (5%) 8 absences F, 3 lateness 1 absence