The Collapse of the Soviet Union


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The Collapse of the Soviet Union
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Presentation transcript:

The Collapse of the Soviet Union 19.3 Gorbachev Moves Towards Democracy 19.4 The Collapse of the Soviet Union Democratic reforms in the Soviet Union lead to changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe. NEXT

Gorbachev Moves Toward Democracy Politburo—ruling committee of Communist Party 1984: Mikhail Gorbachev general secretary ; reforms glasnost—openness perestroika—economic restructuring democratization—opening of political system; elections Foreign policy: end arms race in treaty The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil Non-Russian ethnic groups rebel in different republics 1990: Lithuania declares independence Gorbachev sends in troops—unpopular Boris Yeltsin—president of Russian Republic—gains support Old-time communists oppose both Gorbachev and Yeltsin Stage a coup; fail NEXT

Russia Under Boris Yeltsin Collapse of the USSR republics declare independence; form federation CIS—Commonwealth of Independent States Russia Under Boris Yeltsin aims to reform the Russian economy “shock therapy”—quick transition to free market New policies bring economic hardship, political troubles 1991: Chechnya declares independence from Russia attempts to crush rebellion, causes unrest War breaks out again 1999: resigns, Vladimir Putin named president Quashes rebellion in Chechnya 2008: Dmitry Medvedev named president NEXT

Germany Reunifies East Germany vs. West Germany; East Berlin vs. West Berlin East Germany resists reforms in Eastern Europe Thousands of East Germans escape through Hungary East Germany closes borders; massive protests November 1989: Berlin Wall opened December 1989: Communist government collapses October 1990: Reunification—merging of the two Germanys NEXT

←Europe, 1988 ↓ Europe, 1992