April Beta Club Meeting Thursday April 13th
Way to go Beta Club Members!!!!!! We raised $150 selling shamrocks for the MDA Collected bags full of toys for the red wagon project
Upcoming Activities Write 5 letters to teachers during the month of April or May to receive 1 hour of service (Letters may be typed or handwritten, please place in envelopes) Register to walk or run “Light the Way 5k” and receive 1 hour of service (must provide proof of registration)
Attention Seniors Your service logs are due FRIDAY APRIL 28TH by 3pm to Mrs. Riner’s room G-201 Chords will be available for pick up during the 2nd week of May (before or after school ONLY)
Elections for Next Year’s Beta Officers (seniors are not eligible to vote)
Sean N. Amaso I’m a person who works hard and tries his best. I’m a person who loves fun activities and helping others. I listen to others and try my best to get the job done. I’m a person who earned the Mayor’s Award, twice. I’m a person who has been a president of the Junior Beta Club, so I know a feeling of being an officer. Officer or not, I already know that everyone will be great with any decision.
Hope Hicks Upcoming Senior, Class of 2018 I am a full IB student involved in many school and community activities. This includes AFJROTC, Student Council, Marietta Police Explorers, and much more. I hope to attend the United States Naval Academy after I graduate, and my life goal is to become an FBI agent working in counter- intelligence. I would like to become a Beta club officer because I believe that exemplary student effort and achievement should be encouraged and rewarded, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow. I think I would be a great addition to the leadership team for Beta Club.
Isabelle Manders I am 15 years old, and will be a junior taking full IB next year. I’m Lithuanian and American and have 4 older siblings. I hope to go to college and major in Marine Biology so that I can help protect and create a cleaner and healthier Ocean. I am currently a staff writer for Pitchfork, a member of photography club, and have taken dance, including Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, and Hip Hop, for 9 years. I am also a part of the marine life student action team for Oceana and Peta2. I would like to be a Beta Club Officer because I have only ever been surrounded by compassion and kindness when volunteering. Taking part in the community and helping in anyway that I can is extremely important to me. It has allowed me to discover not just more about causes such as Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophy, but also more about myself. It taught me to never take any moment for granted and to cherish what I have. I would like to be a Beta Club Officer to spread this message but also to join a community and help those in need.
Voting will be open until next Friday April 21st (link found on beta website) No May Meeting All 10th and 11th graders must turn in their community service log by the end of May to Mrs. Riner in G-201