Model Execution Environment for Investigation of Heart Valve Diseases Marian Bubak1,2, Tomasz Bartyński2, Tomasz Gubała2, Daniel Harężlak2, Marek Kasztelnik2, Maciej Malawski1, Jan Meizner2, Piotr Nowakowski2 1AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science, Kraków, Poland 2 Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH, Kraków, Poland; The main goal of the EU EurValve project is to combine a set of complex modeling tools to deliver a decision support system (DSS) which in clinical practice will enable evaluation of medical prospects and outlook for individual patients presented with cardiovascular symptoms suggesting valvular heart disease. This research requires a dedicated problem solving environment which we refer to as the Model Execution Environment (MEE). 1. Objectives To develop and provide the necessary infrastructure to Collect, represent, annotate and publish data Store and grant secure access to all necessary data Execute the models in the most appropriate computational infrastructure Support real-time multiscale visualization Process encrypted data in public clouds To deploy and operate the infrastructure, ensuring Quality of deployed software components Quality of service, including such aspects as availability, responsiveness and cost efficiency 2. Simulation Pipeline The envisioned data flow consists of steps involving image segmentation, proteomics analysis and literature mining to construct system models which, in turn, enable building reduced order models as the knowledge base for the DSS. 4. Security Local accounts or external Identity Provider (IdP) Policy Decision Point (PDP) available as a service GUI and API for configuring resource permissions JWT standard based tokens used Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) implemented as an Nginx module Fine-grained data security (policies based on access methods and set of Rules) Authentication and authorization scenario: 1-8 Policy management scenario: A-B 3. Architecture of MEE 5. File Store WebDAV standard compliant Accepts JWT token delegation Access fully customizable by data owners Provides a web-based file browser 6. Summary Detailed requirements formulated and state-of-the-art in the area of valvular diseases analyzed Detailed design recommendations relating to model-based research environments established Prototypes of the Model Execution Environment, with supporting File Store and Integrated Security components facilitating simulations with the aim to develop decision support systems for heart diseases Various access methods (GUI, CLI, scripting) via secure REST APIs Built on top of the robust Atmosphere platform Uses a selection of middleware services to submit computation HPC, private and public cloud resources with advanced visualization References P. Nowakowski, M. Bubak, T. Bartyński, T. Gubała, D. Harężlak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, Jan Meizner, Cloud computing infrastructure for the VPH community, submitted to Journal of Computational Science M. Kasztelnik, E. Coto, M. Bubak, M. Malawski, P. Nowakowski, J. Arenas, A. Saglimbeni, D. Testi, and A. F. Frangi, Support for Taverna Workflows in the VPH-Share Cloud Platform, to be published in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Web resources: (Project website), (EurValve Portal), (EurValve File Store) Acknowledgements. This work is partly supported by the EU project EurValve Personalised Decision Support for Heart Valve Disease H2020 PHC-30-2015 689617 and by the PLGrid infrastructure