Bellwork: Define “Immigration” Think, Pair, Share Bellwork: Define “Immigration” Learning Target: I can investigate the causes and effects of immigration to the United States in the 1900’s in order to create and support a claim.
Google Classroom Log on to Google Classroom Click on the “+” on the top right corner Enter the code “3itv20” for 2017-2018 8th grade Social Studies Click on Assignment #1 “ Unit 1 Day 10 Immigration and technology” Follow the PowerPoint presentation to explore and answer the question on the guided worksheet.
Analyzing Data-Part 1 Use the graph below to answer part 1 questions
Analyzing Data- Part 2
Analyzing Data- Part 3
Part 4-Causes of Increased Immigration to the U.S After the 1820’s technological developments changed the modes of production, and access to natural resources increased industrialization. Industrialization is the process of making goods with machines. This process is much faster and produce a mass amount of goods quickly. In the United States two developments occurred that encouraged immigration. The first was the migration to the mid-west after the Erie Canal opened and secondly the industrial development caused a need of labor (workers). The Erie Canal was a large project that built a man made canal in New York connecting the cities of Albany to Buffalo. This allowed goods to be transported from the Midwest to NY quickly and increased trading profits. It took many men to build the canal and the factories need workers to run the machines.
Part 5- Chinese Immigration The Chinese had several reasons for emigrating (leaving) from China. The California Gold Rush and the building of the Erie Canal required many workers and was responsible for high numbers of Chinese coming to the US for work. The amount of Chinese immigrants declined rapidly with The Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. The majority of the Chinese immigrants were hired as laborers and contributed to the construction of railroads and the fishing industry. Others opened up restaurants and laundries. The Chinese have also made an impact in other professions such as theater, politics, the fashion industry, education, and physical fitness. Many ethnic groups upon arrival formation of ethnic towns, such as Chinatown, became a place that provided safety and comfort. The neighborhood reflected their culture through the shops, restaurants, and structures.
Part 5- Irish Immigration More than 1.5 million Irish left between 1820 and 1860. The majority of Irish immigrants arrived in the US with little or no money. Two events occurred that resulted in a large influx of Irish immigrants. The Irish Potato Famine was responsible for the immigration of the Irish to America. When the drought ruined their potato crop, the lack of a stable food supply forced the Irish to emigrate (leave) to avoid starvation. The need for workers in the United States attracted many people from other countries. Irish men worked on construction projects, factory and mill work, and women dominated the domestic work, nursing and teaching. The Irish also worked in areas such as journalism, sports, and politics. In New York City the Irish have significantly contributed to the police force and fire departments personal. By 1900, five out of six police officers were Irish immigrants or descendants. The majority of Irish favored large cities. They also created their own communities for support and protection in a new environment. One of those places was known as the Five Point District in Manhattan. There was poor housing and street conditions that supported the spread of disease. The cost of living was low, but also dangerous.
Part 5- Italian Immigration Between 1880 and 1900 it’s estimated that 960,000 Italian immigrants arrived in the United States. Bad economic conditions in Italy and having established family and friends already in the US were main factors in their reasons for emigrating. Upon arrival in America, Italians would seek out family, who helped them find employment and housing. Men generally performed manual labor, as most were unskilled labor workers. Other areas they influenced were politics, theater, business and industry, and sports. Married women focused on domestic activities like dressmaking and managing small shops. Some Italians became business men and opened groceries and restaurants that catered to other Italians. The center of Italian life was Little Italy. Little Italy reflected aspects of their culture. Italian immigrants could be identified by their food such as dry pasta, tomato sauce, and olive oil.
Part 6- Increased population size in the state of New York The demand for labor in urban industrial areas resulted in increased migration from rural areas and a rapid increase in immigration to the United States. New York City became the nation’s largest city. Many cities in New York City also experienced growth due to the migration to the cities for work and new opportunities.
Rochester NY and Buffalo NY
Closure Using the information you collected about immigration to the United States during the 1900’s, create a claim and provide two pieces of evidence that supports the claim you created. Create a claim: Provide evidence: