Kinds of phrases & their functions The Phrase Kinds of phrases & their functions
What is a phrase? A group of related words that is used as a single part of speech—does not contain both a verb and its subject EX: Has been canceled (no subject) Before the party (no subject or verb)
Prepositional Phrases Includes a preposition, the object of the preposition and any modifiers of that object Ex: The tall building with the red roof with—preposition roof—object of the preposition the, red—describe or clarify the roof
The Adjective Phrase A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun Ex: Many of these books include short stories for young readers Of these books—modifies the pronoun “many” b/c it explains which ones For young readers—modifies stories b/c it tells what kind
Adjective Phrase cont. Usually this phrase follows the word it modifies Sometimes more than one adjective phrase may modify the same word Rivera developed a style of his own with simplified figures and bold colors of his own & with simplified figures & bold colors modifies style!
Try it out! *Identify each adjective phrase & the word it modifies Ordinarily, lemmings eat a diet of moss and roots. 3. Legend tells us that when the lemmings reach the cliffs along the sea, they leap off and drown. 4. Do these animals follow a pattern of self-destruction?
Adverb Phrase A prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, adjective or adverb Tells how, when, where, why or to what extent During the Civil War, Louis May Alcott worked as a nurse in a hospital for 6 weeks Explains when, where & to what extent she worked
Try it out! *Identify each adverb phrase & the word(s) it modifies** I got the twins ready for bed at 7:30 p.m. Fear sometimes arises from ignorance The elephant dozed in the shade