Computer Software: Programming Lesson 09 Computer Software: Programming
Scope Of Contents: Introduction to Programming Steps in Programming Development Developing a simple Programme.
At the end of this lesson, student should be able to : Define programme and programming language. State the main steps in programme development: Problem analysis, Programme design, Coding, Testing and debugging, Documentation State the features of the programming tools. Identify the visual development environment of programming tool: Toolbar, Toolbox Create object using toolbox: Label, Button
What is Programming? Programming refers to the act of instructing the computer to do something for us with the help of programming language
What is a programming language? A Programming Language is a set of rules that provides a way of telling the computer what operation to perform (according to Capron and Johnson,2004)
Program Development Life Cycle PHASE 4 PHASE 1 Problem Analysis PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 5 Program Design Coding The problem Testing and Debugging Documenting The Programme Figure 1
Interface of Programming Tools. C ++ Programming Figure 2
Visual Basic Programming Figure 3
Pascal Programming Figure 4
What is Visual Basic Express? Visual Basic Express is a programming language for the Windows operating system. You can create various applications for your school or for your daily activities. Though it simple, it can be powerful. That is why Visual Basic Express is widely used in business, training and entertainment.
Other reasons of using Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2005 are: It is free to download and use! We can create standalone Windows programs royalty free. Full tutorial and many example programs are provided online. It uses Graphical User Interface (GUI). It uses drag and drop interface designer. It has interactive development environment.
Features of the Visual Basic Express 2005 Toolbar Form Window Properties Figure 5 Toolbox
Getting started with Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2005
Click Start Program Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Figure 6
Visual Basic 2005 Express Start Page will be displayed as Figure 2.
To create new project ,select ‘File New Project’ Figure 8
In ‘Visual Studio installed templates’ on the screen,select ‘Windows Application’ Step 1 Figure 9
4. Then, name your project - Example : MyBiodata 5. Click ‘OK’ Step 2 Figure 10 Step 3
6. The Form window is central to developing Visual Basic applications 6. The Form window is central to developing Visual Basic applications. It is where you draw your application. Form Window Figure 11
7. Click ToolBox at the left side of the screen and all the control will be displayed. Figure 12a
You should see controls like figure below.
8. Click on Common Controls. Figure 13
You should see objects under Common Controls like Figure 14 below: