Keeping track of all the copies of your files


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Presentation transcript:

Keeping track of all the copies of your files Git overview Keeping track of all the copies of your files

Git manages different versions (copies) of your files

First, log into GitLab and find the starter project

Make your own, personal copy of the starter project by forking the teacher’s copy

You can make simple changes online At this point you can make simple changes on the server The first tutorial / exercise asks you to do everything up to this point (including making a simple change on GitLab)

Copy (clone) the project onto your own computer

Edit the files on your computer

Stage the files you want to save into git (aka ‘commit into git’)

Save the changes into your git repo (aka ‘commit into git’)

Save your changes to the server (aka ‘push your changes to Gitlab’)

SourceTree will stage, commit, and push in a single step

Teacher’s copy is unchanged Notice that we never committed any changes to the teacher’s version!

Tutorial Roadmap The images in the previous slides will be used as a ‘roadmap’ in the tutorials Goal: make it more clear which copy you’re working on

Overview of how you’ll use Git + GitLab Find the starter project that the teacher created You fork the starter project (you create your own, personal copy on GitLab) At this point you can make simple changes on the server – first exercise You clone locally (copy the project to your computer) You edit the files You commit, you push back to server You modify again You commit, you push back to server – second exercise Teacher clones locally, grades your work, adds grade feedback file, commits and pushes back to your repo You then download the feedback file (in a .ZIP or via git pull)