Free Response Warm Up #12 Copyright © 1878 Eadweard Muybridge
"Re-grades" Students may redo any on-time presentation work for a higher grade. A student will need to make an appointment with me for a re-grade conference; the original grading sheet must be present at that conference within five school days of the posted grade. Re-grade shooting, editing, and grading do not take place during class time. Ask about “open hours” for the lab.
Looking at your Gradesheet Please take a look at the gradesheet and your images in Bridge / and the slides with explanations on how to the assignment BEFORE asking about the Regrade needs. You only have to do the Section over…but you need to do all pics in that section. (Bracketing will include SS and Aperture Bracketing but you don’t have to do Vertical pictures if you did fine on them)
Agenda Digital Photography DO NOT turn on the computers until I tell you to! Free Response (Warm Up Activity in Sketchbook) Art Concept Peer Lesson Project (Due Friday at the beginning of class) Day 1: Students research and synthesize information Students start creating PowerPoint presentations Elements of Photography 1: Lesson 2 If you were not here yesterday to take the test, you will need to schedule a time to take it.
Elements of Art—the basic ingredients the artist uses either separately or in combination to create artistic work (paintings, drawings, photographs, etc.) (group #1) Line (group #2) Shape (group #3) Space (group #4) Texture (group #5) Color (group #6) Value
Using the Art Elements, these are the Seven Principles of Organization to achieve Unity in a Composition Harmony (group #7) Variety (group #8) Balance (group #9) Proportion (group #10) Dominance (group #11) Movement (group #12) Economy (group #13)
Other Photography-Specific Compositional Concepts Vantage Point (group #14) Bird’s eye view, worm’s eye view, direct approach, angled approach, close up, long view. Framing (group #15) Tight framing and wide framing and using an object as a frame. Rule of Thirds (group #16) Silhouette (group #17) “Dutch Angle” (group #18)
Art Concept Peer Lesson Research and figure out what your word has to do with PHOTOGRAPHY (start on the Resources page of my website and please ask me if you need help or clarification!) In a PowerPoint Presentation (saved to someone in the group’s home directory folder)—at least 10 slides: 1. Title Slide 2. Explain the concept that was given to you in your own words. 3-8. Show us some examples of the concept in action in photography—each photo on a separate slide (for this presentation, using photographs from the Internet is acceptable because it’s for educational purposes.) 9. Give us some ideas on how WE can use the concept you researched to make our own compelling photographs. 10. Bibliography You will show the class your PowerPoint presentations and teach them your concept starting on Friday.