Beta Club Meeting December 1st 2016
Reminders Have you checked in with your VP of Membership? When you plan to be absent for any reason (excused or not) please give WRITTEN notification to your VP of Membership so that it will be noted in the minutes. We meet once a month (first Thursday of every month) in the Auditorium at 3:40. Leave your area better than you found it at the end of the meeting.
Service Projects Leaders and Literacy Conference, January 13th, see Mr. Murphy for more information Teacher Cadet Christmas Child Program To receive service credit you must bring an item or 10 dollars, the item must be for the Beta Club child Bring money and items to the main office in the morning before school Shoe Drive Bring in gently used/new shoes to donate. They will be going to the National Society for Black Engineers and Soles4Souls. Please place them in the designated bin
Remind Texts Text @bebd22 To 81010 We will be using remind just to keep you all updated on dates
Christmas Child Male 9 years old Shoe: 4 Shirt: 10-12 Pant: 8 Bike, Video Game System and Games, Coat, Remote Control Car, Basketball DUE BY DECEMBER 8TH
Next Meeting January 5th 2017